Susan Gauch
Susan Gauch
Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, University of Arkansas
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User profiles for personalized information access
S Gauch, M Speretta, A Chandramouli, A Micarelli
The adaptive web: methods and strategies of web personalization, 54-89, 2007
Ontology-based personalized search and browsing
S Gauch, J Chaffee, A Pretschner
Web Intelligence and Agent Systems: An international Journal 1 (3-4), 219-234, 2003
Personalized search based on user search histories
M Speretta, S Gauch
The 2005 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI'05 …, 2005
Ontology based personalized search
A Pretschner, S Gauch
Proceedings 11th International Conference on Tools with Artificial …, 1999
Incorporating quality metrics in centralized/distributed information retrieval on the World Wide Web
X Zhu, S Gauch
Proceedings of the 23rd annual international ACM SIGIR conference on …, 2000
Improving Ontology-Based User Profiles.
J Trajkova, S Gauch
RIAO 2004, 380-390, 2004
Personalized search on the world wide web
A Micarelli, F Gasparetti, F Sciarrone, S Gauch
The adaptive web: Methods and strategies of web personalization, 195-230, 2007
ProFusion*: Intelligent fusion from multiple, distributed search engines
S Gauch, G Wang, M Gomez
Journal of Universal Computer Science 2 (9), 637-649, 1996
A corpus analysis approach for automatic query expansion and its extension to multiple databases
S Gauch, J Wang, SM Rachakonda
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 17 (3), 250-269, 1999
Personal ontologies for web navigation
J Chaffee, S Gauch
Proceedings of the ninth international conference on Information and …, 2000
Concept-based document recommendations for citeseer authors
K Chandrasekaran, S Gauch, P Lakkaraju, HP Luong
International conference on adaptive hypermedia and adaptive web-based …, 2008
Chattrack: Chat room topic detection using classification
J Bengel, S Gauch, E Mittur, R Vijayaraghavan
Intelligence and Security Informatics: Second Symposium on Intelligence and …, 2004
Intelligent information agents: review and challenges for distributed information sources
DS Haverkamp, S Gauch
Journal of the American society for information science 49 (4), 304-311, 1998
Adaptive agents for information gathering from multiple, distributed information sources
Y Fan, S Gauch
1999 AAAI Symposium on Intelligent Agents in Cyberspace, 21-59, 1999
Search improvement via automatic query reformulation
S Gauch, JB Smith
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 9 (3), 249-280, 1991
Document similarity based on concept tree distance
P Lakkaraju, S Gauch, M Speretta
Proceedings of the nineteenth ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia …, 2008
Contextual Search Using Ontology-Based User Profiles.
V Challam, S Gauch, A Chandramouli
RIAO, 612-617, 2007
An expert system for automatic query reformation
S Gauch, JB Smith
Journal of the American Society for Information Science 44 (3), 124-136, 1993
Vision: A digital video library
W Li, S Gauch, J Gauch, KM Pua
Proceedings of the first ACM international conference on Digital libraries …, 1996
Real time repeated video sequence identification
KM Pua, JM Gauch, SE Gauch, JZ Miadowicz
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 93 (3), 310-327, 2004
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Articles 1–20