Nadir Farhi
Nadir Farhi
Researcher, University Gustave Eiffel - Cosys / Grettia
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Free-floating e-scooter usage in urban areas: A spatiotemporal analysis
N Foissaud, C Gioldasis, S Tamura, Z Christoforou, N Farhi
Journal of transport geography 100, 103335, 2022
Modélisation Minplus et Commande du Trafic de Villes Régulières.
N Farhi
PhD thesis - Université Panthéon-Sorbonne-Paris 1., 2008
The traffic phases of road networks
N Farhi, M Goursat, JP Quadrat
Transportation Research part C: emerging technologies 19 (1), 85-102, 2011
Traffic modeling and real-time control for metro lines. Part I-A Max-plus algebra model explaining the traffic phases of the train dynamics
N Farhi, CN Van Phu, H Haj-Salem, JP Lebacque
2017 American Control Conference (ACC), 3834-3839, 2017
Derivation of the fundamental traffic diagram for two circular roads and a crossing using minplus algebra and Petri net modeling.
N Farhi, M Goursat, JP Quadrat
Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2119-2124, 2005
Deep reinforcement Q-learning for intelligent traffic signal control with partial detection
R Ducrocq, N Farhi
International journal of intelligent transportation systems research 21 (1 …, 2023
Piecewise linear car-following modeling
N Farhi
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 25, 100-112, 2012
Multi-Anticipative Piecewise Linear Car-Following Model
N Farhi, H Haj-Salem, JP Lebacque
Transportation Research Record 2013, - TRB Meeting 2012 - and in arXiv, 2011
A vehicle-to-infrastructure communication based algorithm for urban traffic control
C Nguyen Van Phu, N Farhi, H Haj-Salem, JP Lebacque
IEEE International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent …, 2017
Packetization and aggregate scheduling
A Bouillard, N Farhi, B Gaujal
INRIA, 2011
Estimation of urban traffic state with probe vehicles
CN Van Phu, N Farhi
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 22 (5), 2797-2808, 2020
M/G/c/c state dependent queuing model for a road traffic system of two sections in tandem
N Guerouahane, D Aissani, N Farhi, L Bouallouche-Medjkoune
Computers & Operations Research 87, 98-106, 2017
Traffic modeling and real-time control for metro lines. Part II-The effect of passenger demand on the traffic phases
N Farhi, CN Van Phu, H Haj-Salem, JP Lebacque
American Control Conference (ACC), 2017, 3828-3833, 2017
Managing planned disruptions of mass transit systems
Z Christoforou, E Corbillé, N Farhi, F Leurent
Transportation Research Record 2541 (1), 46-55, 2016
A discrete event traffic model explaining the traffic phases of the train dynamics in a metro line with a junction
F Schanzenbächer, N Farhi, Z Christoforou, F Leurent, G Gabriel
CDC 2017, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 6p, 2017
Combining ramp metering and hard shoulder strategies: field evaluation results on the ile the France motorway network
H Haj-Salem, N Farhi, J Lebacque
Transportation Research Procedia 3, 1002-1010, 2014
Robust routing, its price, and the tradeoff between routing robustness and travel time reliability in road networks
F Manseur, N Farhi, CN Van Phu, H Haj-Salem, JP Lebacque
European Journal of Operational Research 285 (1), 159-171, 2020
Packetization and packet curves in network calculus
A Bouillard, N Farhi, B Gaujal
6th International ICST Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies …, 2012
A semi-decentralized control strategy for urban traffic
N Farhi, CN Van Phu, M Amir, H Haj-Salem, JP Lebacque
Transportation Research Procedia 10, 41-50, 2015
Road traffic models using petri nets and minplus algebra
N Farhi, M Goursat, JP Quadrat
Traffic and Granular Flow’07, 281-286, 2009
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Articles 1–20