Hervé Lissek
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Cited by
Acoustic transmission line metamaterial with negative/zero/positive refractive index
F Bongard, H Lissek, JR Mosig
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (9), 094306, 2010
Body part-centered and full body-centered peripersonal space representations
A Serino, JP Noel, G Galli, E Canzoneri, P Marmaroli, H Lissek, O Blanke
Scientific reports 5 (1), 18603, 2015
Acoustic carpet cloak based on an ultrathin metasurface
H Esfahlani, S Karkar, H Lissek, JR Mosig
Physical Review B 94 (1), 014302, 2016
Full body action remapping of peripersonal space: the case of walking
JP Noel, P Grivaz, P Marmaroli, H Lissek, O Blanke, A Serino
Neuropsychologia 70, 375-384, 2015
Electroacoustic absorbers: bridging the gap between shunt loudspeakers and active sound absorption
H Lissek, R Boulandet, R Fleury
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 129 (5), 2968-2978, 2011
Constant-pressure sound waves in non-Hermitian disordered media
E Rivet, A Brandstötter, KG Makris, H Lissek, S Rotter, R Fleury
Nature Physics 14, 942–947, 2018
Generation of acoustic helical wavefronts using metasurfaces
H Esfahlani, H Lissek, JR Mosig
Physical Review B 95 (2), 024312, 2017
Broadband low-frequency electroacoustic absorbers through hybrid sensor-/shunt-based impedance control
E Rivet, S Karkar, H Lissek
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 25 (1), 63-72, 2016
Device and method for capturing and processing voice
H Lissek, P Martin, J Carmona, M Imhasly, I Millar, X Falourd, P Marmaroli, ...
US Patent 9,510,090, 2016
Acoustic dispersive prism
H Esfahlani, S Karkar, H Lissek, JR Mosig
Scientific reports 6 (1), 18911, 2016
Duct modes damping through an adjustable electroacoustic liner under grazing incidence
R Boulandet, H Lissek, S Karkar, M Collet, G Matten, M Ouisse, ...
Journal of Sound and Vibration 426, 19-33, 2018
Obtaining binaural room impulse responses from b-format impulse responses using frequency-dependent coherence matching
F Menzer, C Faller, H Lissek
IEEE transactions on audio, speech, and language processing 19 (2), 396-405, 2010
Improving sound absorption through nonlinear active electroacoustic resonators
X Guo, H Lissek, R Fleury
Physical Review Applied 13 (1), 014018, 2020
Audio-visual sensory deprivation degrades visuo-tactile peri-personal space
JP Noel, HD Park, I Pasqualini, H Lissek, M Wallace, O Blanke, A Serino
Consciousness and cognition 61, 61-75, 2018
A UAV motor denoising technique to improve localization of surrounding noisy aircrafts: proof of concept for anti-collision systems
P Marmaroli, X Falourd, H Lissek
Acoustics 2012, 2012
Optimization of electroacoustic absorbers by means of designed experiments
R Boulandet, H Lissek
Applied acoustics 71 (9), 830-842, 2010
Exploiting the leaky-wave properties of transmission-line metamaterials for single-microphone direction finding
H Esfahlani, S Karkar, H Lissek, JR Mosig
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 139 (6), 3259-3266, 2016
Toward broadband electroacoustic resonators through optimized feedback control strategies
R Boulandet, H Lissek
Journal of Sound and Vibration 333 (20), 4810-4825, 2014
A preliminary study of an isodynamic transducer for use in active acoustic materials
H Lissek, X Meynial
Applied Acoustics 64 (9), 917-930, 2003
Toward wideband steerable acoustic metasurfaces with arrays of active electroacoustic resonators
H Lissek, E Rivet, T Laurence, R Fleury
Journal of Applied Physics 123 (9), 2018
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Articles 1–20