Pavel Novoa-Hernández
Pavel Novoa-Hernández
Other namesPavel Novoa, Pavel N. Hernández
Department of Computer Engineering and Systems, University of La Laguna
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Cited by
Technology Acceptance Model and Moodle: A systematic mapping study
GG Murillo, P Novoa-Hernández, RS Rodríguez
Information Development 37 (4), 617-632, 2021
A novel framework for improving multi-population algorithms for dynamic optimization problems: A scheduling approach
JK Kordestani, AE Ranginkaman, MR Meybodi, P Novoa-Hernández
Swarm and evolutionary computation 44, 788-805, 2019
Efficient multi-swarm PSO algorithms for dynamic environments
P Novoa-Hernández, CC Corona, DA Pelta
Memetic Computing 3, 163-174, 2011
Self-adaptive, multipopulation differential evolution in dynamic environments
P Novoa-Hernández, CC Corona, DA Pelta
Soft Computing 17 (10), 1861-1881, 2013
Self-adaptation in dynamic environments-a survey and open issues
P Novoa-Hernández, CC Corona, DA Pelta
Int. J. Bio Inspired Comput. 8 (1), 1-13, 2016
Recommender Systems and Scratch: An integrated approach for enhancing computer programming learning
J Cárdenas-Cobo, A Puris, P Novoa-Hernández, JA Galindo, ...
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 13 (2), 387--403, 2020
Using scratch to improve learning programming in college students: A positive experience from a non-weird country
J Cárdenas-Cobo, A Puris, P Novoa-Hernández, Á Parra-Jiménez, ...
Electronics 10 (10), 1180, 2021
Technological Satisfaction about Moodle in Higher Education-A Meta-analysis
G García-Murillo, P Novoa-Hernández, RS Rodríguez
IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje 15 (4), 281 - 290, 2020
On the quality of quantitative instruments to measure digital competence in higher education: A systematic mapping study
R Saltos-Rivas, P Novoa-Hernández, R Serrano Rodriguez
PLoS One 16 (9), e0257344, 2021
Evaluación de la presencia de competencias digitales en las Instituciones de Educación Superior en América Latina
RS Rivas, P Novoa-Hernández, RS Rodríguez
Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação 2019 (E21), 23-36, 2019
Improvement strategies for multi-swarm PSO in dynamic environments
P Novoa-Hernández, DA Pelta, CC Corona
Nature inspired cooperative strategies for optimization (NICSO 2010), 371-383, 2010
Controlling particle trajectories in a multi-swarm approach for dynamic optimization problems
P Novoa, DA Pelta, C Cruz, IG del Amo
Methods and Models in Artificial and Natural Computation. A Homage to …, 2009
How reliable and valid are the evaluations of digital competence in higher education: A systematic mapping study
R Saltos-Rivas, P Novoa-Hernández, R Serrano Rodriguez
Sage Open 12 (1), 21582440211068492, 2022
Usability in Moodle: A meta-analysis from experiences reported in WOS and Scopus
GRG Murillo, P Novoa-Hernández, RS Rodríguez
Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação 2019 (E18), 108-121, 2019
An analysis of particle properties on a multi-swarm pso for dynamic optimization problems
IG del Amo, DA Pelta, JR González, P Novoa
Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence, 32-41, 2009
Approximation Models in Robust Optimization Over Time - An Experimental Study
P Novoa-Hernández, DA Pelta, CC Corona
2018 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 1-6, 2018
Sensitivity analysis in the scenario method: A multi-objective approach
PJ Villacorta, AD Masegosa, D Castellanos, P Novoa, DA Pelta
2011 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and …, 2011
Technological acceptance of Moodle through latent variable modeling–a systematic mapping study
G García-Murillo, P Novoa-Hernández, R Serrano Rodriǵuez
Interactive Learning Environments 31 (3), 1764–1780, 2023
A Software Tool for Assisting Experimentation in Dynamic Environments
P Novoa-Hernández, CC Corona, DA Pelta
Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing 2015, 5-5, 2015
Understanding university teachers’ digital competencies: a systematic mapping study
R Saltos-Rivas, P Novoa-Hernández, RS Rodríguez
Education and Information Technologies 28, 16771-16822, 2023
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Articles 1–20