Pietro Gonizzi
Pietro Gonizzi
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Cited by
Iot-oas: An oauth-based authorization service architecture for secure services in iot scenarios
S Cirani, M Picone, P Gonizzi, L Veltri, G Ferrari
IEEE sensors journal 15 (2), 1224-1234, 2014
Design and evaluation of a delay-efficient RPL routing metric
P Gonizzi, R Monica, G Ferrari
2013 9th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing …, 2013
Data dissemination scheme for distributed storage for IoT observation systems at large scale
P Gonizzi, G Ferrari, V Gay, J Leguay
Information Fusion 22, 16-25, 2015
Internet of things applications-from research and innovation to market deployment
P Medagliani, J Leguay, A Duda, F Rousseau, S Duquennoy, S Raza, ...
Internet of Things Applications-From Research and Innovation to Market …, 2014
Bringing ip to low-power smart objects: The smart parking case in the CALIPSO project
P Medagliani, J Leguay, A Duda, F Rousseau, S Duquennoy, S Raza, ...
Internet of things applications-from research and innovation to market …, 2022
RAWMAC: A routing aware wave-based MAC protocol for WSNs
P Gonizzi, P Medagliani, G Ferrari, J Leguay
2014 IEEE 10th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing …, 2014
Design, Implementation and Evaluation of an Energy RPL Routing Metric: Study of an Energy Efficient Routing Metric
F Demicheli, G Ferrari, P Gonizzi
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2014
Data storage and retrieval with RPL routing
P Gonizzi, G Ferrari, P Medagliani, J Leguay
2013 9th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing …, 2013
Vincent Gay b (2013),“
P Gonizzi, G Ferrari
Data dissemination scheme for distributed storage for IoT observation …, 2013
Hands on Contiki OS and Cooja Simulator: Exercises (Part II)
P Gonizzi, S Duquennoy
Parma: University of Parma, 2013
REDUNDANT DISTRIBUTED DATA STORAGE-Experimentation with the SensLab Testbed
P Gonizzi, G Ferrari, V Gay, J Leguay
International Conference on Sensor Networks 2, 15-23, 2012
Connect Sensor Networks to the Internet of Things
P Gonizzi
Universitŕ di Parma. Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione, 2015
Distributed Data Storage and Retrieval Schemes in RPL/IPv6-Based Networks
P Gonizzi, G Ferrari, J Leguay, P Medagliani
Wireless Sensor Networks: From Theory to Applications, 2013
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Articles 1–13