Dr. Amine El Kouhen
Dr. Amine El Kouhen
Research Associate, Concordia University
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Cited by
Evaluation of modeling tools adaptation
A El Kouhen, C Dumoulin, S Gérard, P Boulet
Inria, 2012
On the semantic transparency of visual notations: experiments with uml
A El Kouhen, A Gherbi, C Dumoulin, F Khendek
SDL 2015: Model-Driven Engineering for Smart Cities: 17th International SDL …, 2015
Design and simulation of distributed IMA architectures using TTEthernet: a model-driven approach
T Robati, A Gherbi, A El Kouhen, J Mullins
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 8, 345-355, 2017
Spécification d'un Métamodèle pour l'adaptation des outils UML
A El Kouhen
Université des Sciences et Technologie de Lille-Lille I, 2013
Simulation-based verification of avionic systems deployed on IMA architectures
T Robati, A El Kouhen, A Gherbi, J Mullins
ACM/IEEE 18th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages …, 2015
An extension for AADL to model mixed-criticality avionic systems deployed on IMA architectures with TTEthernet
T Robati, A El Kouhen, A Gherbi, H Sardadouna, J Mullins
1st Workshop on Architecture Centric Virtual Integration@ the 17th …, 2014
A component-based approach for specifying DSML's concrete syntax
A El Kouhen, S Gérard, C Dumoulin, P Boulet
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Graphical Modeling Language …, 2013
Panorama: a unified framework for model composition
A El Kouhen
15th International Conference on Modularity (MODULARITY 2016), 2016
Time-triggered ethernet metamodel: Design and application
T Robati, A El Kouhen, A Gherbi, J Mullins
Journal of Software 11 (10), 1040-1053, 2016
A component-based approach for specifying reusable visual languages
A El Kouhen, S Gérard, C Dumoulin, P Boulet
2013 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human Centric Computing, 135-138, 2013
Improving semantic transparency of committee-designed languages through crowd-sourcing
A El Kouhen, A Gherbi, C Dumoulin
14th Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling@ SPLASH, 2014
MID: A MetaCASE tool for a better reuse of visual notations
A El Kouhen, A Gherbi, C Dumoulin, P Boulet, S Gérard
International Conference on System Analysis and Modeling, 16-31, 2014
Using Crowd-sourcing to Improve the Semantic Transparency of Committee-Designed Languages
A El Kouhen, A Gherbi, C Dumoulin
ITSLE@ 7th International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE), 2014
Specifez vos éditeurs de diagrammes à l'aide de composants réutilisables
A El Kouhen, C Dumoulin, S Gérard, P Boulet
2ème Conférence en Ingénierie Logiciele (CIEL'13), 2013
Diagrams Editors Specification Using Reusable Components
A El Kouhen
MODELSWARD 2013: International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and …, 2013
Committee-Designed Languages through Crowd-sourcing
A El Kouhen, A Gherbi, C Dumoulin
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Articles 1–16