Nikolaos A. Chrysochoidis
Nikolaos A. Chrysochoidis
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics
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Cited by
Delamination detection in composites using wave modulation spectroscopy with a novel active nonlinear acousto-ultrasonic piezoelectric sensor
NA Chrysochoidis, AK Barouni, DA Saravanos
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 22 (18), 2193-2206, 2011
A shear beam finite element for the damping analysis of tubular laminated composite beams
DA Saravanos, D Varelis, TS Plagianakos, N Chrysochoidis
Journal of Sound and Vibration 291 (3-5), 802-823, 2006
Generalized layerwise mechanics for the static and modal response of delaminated composite beams with active piezoelectric sensors
NA Chrysochoidis, DA Saravanos
International Journal of Solids and Structures 44 (25-26), 8751-8768, 2007
Assessing the effects of delamination on the damped dynamic response of composite beams with piezoelectric actuators and sensors
NA Chrysochoidis, DA Saravanos
Smart materials and Structures 13 (4), 733, 2004
Damped structural dynamics models of large wind-turbine blades including material and structural damping
DI Chortis, NA Chrysochoidis, DA Saravanos
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 75 (1), 012076, 2007
Nonlinear wave structural health monitoring method using an active nonlinear piezoceramic sensor for matrix cracking detection in composites
NA Chrysochoidis, TT Assimakopoulou, DA Saravanos
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 26 (15), 2108-2120, 2015
Airfoil morphing based on SMA actuation technology
VK Dimitri Karagiannis , Dimitrios Stamatelos , Theodoros Spathopoulos ...
Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology 86 (4), 2014
A semi-active shunted piezoelectric tuned mass damper for robust vibration control
GM Chatziathanasiou, NA Chrysochoidis, DA Saravanos
Journal of Vibration and Control 28 (21-22), 2969-2983, 2022
A semi-active shunted piezoelectric tuned-mass-damper for multi-modal vibration control of large flexible structures
GM Chatziathanasiou, NA Chrysochoidis, CS Rekatsinas, DA Saravanos
Journal of Sound and Vibration 537, 117222, 2022
Analysis of low velocity impacts on sandwich composite plates using cubic spline layerwise theory and semi empirical contact law
CS Rekatsinas, DK Siorikis, AP Christoforou, NA Chrysochoidis, ...
Composite Structures 194, 158-169, 2018
Evaluation of the sensitivity and fatigue performance of embedded piezopolymer sensor systems in sandwich composite laminates
NA Chrysochoidis, E Gutiérrez
Smart Materials and Structures 24 (2), 025032, 2015
A damping mechanics model and a beam finite element for the free-vibration of laminated composite strips under in-plane loading
DI Chortis, NA Chrysochoidis, DS Varelis, DA Saravanos
Journal of sound and vibration 330 (23), 5660-5677, 2011
High-frequency dispersion characteristics of smart delaminated composite beams
NA Chrysochoidis, DA Saravanos
Journal of intelligent material systems and structures 20 (9), 1057-1068, 2009
Investigation of critical delamination characteristics in composite plates combining cubic spline piezo-layerwise mechanics and time domain spectral finite elements
CS Rekatsinas, NA Chrysochoidis, DA Saravanos
Wave Motion 106, 102752, 2021
An extended layerwise spectral finite element framework for delamination growth simulation in laminated composite strips
DK Siorikis, CS Rekatsinas, NA Chrysochoidis, DA Saravanos
Composite Structures 276, 114452, 2021
A cubic spline layerwise spectral finite element for robust stress predictions in laminated composite and sandwich strips
DK Siorikis, CS Rekatsinas, NA Chrysochoidis, DA Saravanos
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 91, 104362, 2022
On the delamination detection in composite beams with active piezoelectric sensors using non-linear ultrasonics
NA Chrysochoidis, AK Barouni, DA Saravanos
Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems 2009 7295, 780-788, 2009
Measurement of damping coefficients of Glass/Polyester composites
N Chrysochoidis
MS Thesis, 2001
Delamination detection in composites using active piezoceramic wafer and AFC sensor
AJ Brunner, M Barbezat, NA Chrysochoidis, AK Barouni, DA Saravanos
Proceedings of 4th European Workshop Structural Health Monitoring (Krakow …, 2008
Progressive debonding analysis of sandwich composite strips using a cohesive-layerwise spectral finite element model
DK Siorikis, CS Rekatsinas, NA Chrysochoidis, DA Saravanos
International Journal of Solids and Structures 243, 111560, 2022
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Articles 1–20