Vasiliki Kosmidou
Vasiliki Kosmidou
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Sign language recognition using intrinsic-mode sample entropy on sEMG and accelerometer data
VE Kosmidou, LJ Hadjileontiadis
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 56 (12), 2879-2890, 2009
Electroencephalogram and Alzheimer˘s disease: clinical and research approaches
A Tsolaki, D Kazis, I Kompatsiaris, V Kosmidou, M Tsolaki
International journal of Alzheimer˘s disease 2014 (1), 349249, 2014
Using landscape structure to develop quantitative baselines for protected area monitoring
P Mairota, B Cafarelli, L Boccaccio, V Leronni, R Labadessa, V Kosmidou, ...
Ecological indicators 33, 82-95, 2013
The earth observation data for habitat monitoring (EODHaM) system
R Lucas, P Blonda, P Bunting, G Jones, J Inglada, M Arias, V Kosmidou, ...
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 37, 17-28, 2015
Brain source localization of MMN, P300 and N400: Aging and gender differences
A Tsolaki, V Kosmidou, L Hadjileontiadis, IY Kompatsiaris, M Tsolaki
Brain research 1603, 32-49, 2015
Brain source localization of MMN and P300 ERPs in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease: a high-density EEG approach
AC Tsolaki, V Kosmidou, IY Kompatsiaris, C Papadaniil, L Hadjileontiadis, ...
Neurobiology of aging 55, 190-201, 2017
Cognitive MMN and P300 in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease: a high density EEG-3D vector field tomography approach
CD Papadaniil, VE Kosmidou, A Tsolaki, M Tsolaki, IY Kompatsiaris, ...
Brain research 1648, 425-433, 2016
Harmonization of the land cover classification system (LCCS) with the general habitat categories (GHC) classification system
V Kosmidou, Z Petrou, RGH Bunce, CA Mücher, RHG Jongman, ...
Ecological Indicators 36, 290-300, 2014
Evaluation of surface EMG features for the recognition of American Sign Language gestures
VE Kosmidou, LJ Hadjileontiadis, SM Panas
2006 International conference of the IEEE engineering in medicine and …, 2006
Expert knowledge for translating land cover/use maps to General Habitat Categories (GHC)
M Adamo, C Tarantino, V Tomaselli, V Kosmidou, Z Petrou, I Manakos, ...
Landscape Ecology 29, 1045-1067, 2014
A rule-based classification methodology to handle uncertainty in habitat mapping employing evidential reasoning and fuzzy logic
ZI Petrou, V Kosmidou, I Manakos, T Stathaki, M Adamo, C Tarantino, ...
Pattern Recognition Letters 48, 24-33, 2014
Using sample entropy for automated sign language recognition on sEMG and accelerometer data
VE Kosmidou, LI Hadjileontiadis
Medical & biological engineering & computing 48, 255-267, 2010
Age-induced differences in brain neural activation elicited by visual emotional stimuli: A high-density EEG study
AC Tsolaki, VE Kosmidou, IY Kompatsiaris, C Papadaniil, ...
Neuroscience 340, 268-278, 2017
Synergy of airborne LiDAR and Worldview-2 satellite imagery for land cover and habitat mapping: A BIO_SOS-EODHaM case study for the Netherlands
CA Mücher, L Roupioz, H Kramer, MMB Bogers, RHG Jongman, ...
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 37, 48-55, 2015
Enhanced sign language recognition using weighted intrinsic-mode entropy and signer's level of deafness
VE Kosmidou, PC Petrantonakis, LJ Hadjileontiadis
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 41 …, 2011
& Hadjileontiadis, LJ (2016). Cognitive MMN and P300 in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer˘s disease: A high density EEG-3D vector field tomography approach
CD Papadaniil, VE Kosmidou, A Tsolaki, M Tsolaki, I Kompatsiaris
Brain Res 1648, 425-433, 2016
Phase-amplitude cross-frequency coupling in EEG-derived cortical time series upon an auditory perception task
CD Papadaniil, VE Kosmidou, A Tsolaki, M Tsolaki, I Kompatsiaris, ...
2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2015
Intrinsic mode entropy: An enhanced classification means for automated Greek sign language gesture recognition
VE Kosmidou, LJ Hadjileontiadis
2008 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2008
Noesis: an enhanced educational environment for kids with autism spectrum disorders
J Vittorias, P Petrantonakis, D Bolis, A Tsiligkyri, V Kosmidou, ...
2008 Eighth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies …, 2008
“SEE and SEE”: An Educational Tool for Kids with Hard of Hearing
P Petrantonakis, V Kosmidou, M Nikolaraizi, S Koutsogiorgou, ...
2008 Eighth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies …, 2008
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Articles 1–20