Petko Bogdanov
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Cited by
Topic models: What they are and why they matter
JW Mohr, P Bogdanov
Poetics 41 (6), 545-569, 2013
Graphing the grammar of motives in National Security Strategies: Cultural interpretation, automated text analysis and the drama of global politics
JW Mohr, R Wagner-Pacifici, RL Breiger, P Bogdanov
Poetics 41 (6), 670-700, 2013
NetSpot: Spotting Significant Anomalous Regions on Dynamic Networks
M Mongiovı, P Bogdanov, R Ranca, EE Papalexakis, C Faloutsos, ...
SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM 2013), 2013
Mining Heavy Subgraphs in Time-Evolving Networks
P Bogdanov, M Mongiovı, AK Singh
IEEE International conference on data mining (ICDM), 2011
Base Motif Recognition and Design of DNA Templates for Fluorescent Silver Clusters by Machine Learning
SM Copp, P Bogdanov, M Debord, AK Singh, E Gwinn
Advanced Materials, 2014
Molecular function prediction using neighborhood features
P Bogdanov, AK Singh
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB) 7 …, 2010
Fluorescence color by data-driven design of genomic silver clusters
SM Copp, A Gorovits, SM Swasey, S Gudibandi, P Bogdanov, EG Gwinn
ACS nano 12 (8), 8240-8247, 2018
Modeling individual topic-specific behavior and influence backbone networks in social media
P Bogdanov, M Busch, J Moehlis, AK Singh, BK Szymanski
Social Network Analysis and Mining 4, 1-16, 2014
The Social Media Genome: Modeling Individual Topic-Specific Behavior in Social Media
P Bogdanov, M Busch, J Moehlis, AK Singh, BK Szymanski
IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis …, 2013
Chemistry-informed machine learning enables discovery of DNA-stabilized silver nanoclusters with near-infrared fluorescence
P Mastracco, A Gonzālez-Rosell, J Evans, P Bogdanov, SM Copp
ACS nano 16 (10), 16322-16331, 2022
High throughput near infrared screening discovers DNA-templated silver clusters with peak fluorescence beyond 950 nm
SM Swasey, SM Copp, HC Nicholson, A Gorovits, P Bogdanov, EG Gwinn
Nanoscale 10 (42), 19701-19705, 2018
Mining evolving network processes
M Mongiovı, P Bogdanov, AK Singh
IEEE 13th International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2013, 2013
General approach for machine learning-aided design of DNA-stabilized silver clusters
SM Copp, SM Swasey, A Gorovits, P Bogdanov, EG Gwinn
Chemistry of Materials 32 (1), 430-437, 2019
Local Community Detection in Dynamic Networks
DJ DiTursi, G Ghosh, P Bogdanov
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), New …, 2017
LARC: Learning Activity-Regularized Overlapping Communities Across Time
A Gorovits, E Gurjal, EE Papalexakis, P Bogdanov
ACM International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (ACM SIGKDD), 2018
A Distance Measure for the Analysis of Polar Opinion Dynamics in Social Networks
V Amelkin, P Bogdanov, AK Singh
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), 2019
Robust and Efficient Modulation Recognition Based on Local Sequential IQ Features
W Xiong, P Bogdanov, M Zheleva
IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2019), 2019
Accurate and Scalable Nearest Neighbors in Large Networks Based on Effective Importance
P Bogdanov, A Singh
ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2013
Towards community discovery in signed collaborative interaction networks
P Bogdanov, ND Larusso, A Singh
2010 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, 288-295, 2010
As Strong as the Weakest Link: Mining Diverse Cliques in Weighted Graphs
P Bogdanov, B Baumer, P Basu, A Bar-Noy, AK Singh
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases ECML / PKDD, 525-540, 2013
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Articles 1–20