Jesse Capecelatro
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Cited by
Fluid mechanics
PK Kundu, IM Cohen, DR Dowling, J Capecelatro
Elsevier, 2024
An Euler-Lagrange Strategy for Simulating Particle-Laden Flows
J Capecelatro, O Desjardins
Journal of Computational Physics, 2012
Disease transmission through expiratory aerosols on an urban bus
Z Zhang, T Han, KH Yoo, J Capecelatro, AL Boehman, K Maki
Physics of Fluids 33 (1), 2021
On fluid–particle dynamics in fully developed cluster-induced turbulence
J Capecelatro, O Desjardins, RO Fox
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 780, 578-635, 2015
Eulerian–Lagrangian modeling of turbulent liquid–solid slurries in horizontal pipes
J Capecelatro, O Desjardins
International journal of multiphase flow 55, 64-79, 2013
Numerical study of collisional particle dynamics in cluster-induced turbulence
J Capecelatro, O Desjardins, RO Fox
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 747, R2, 2014
Formulating turbulence closures using sparse regression with embedded form invariance
S Beetham, J Capecelatro
Physical Review Fluids 5 (8), 084611, 2020
On the transition between turbulence regimes in particle-laden channel flows
J Capecelatro, O Desjardins, RO Fox
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 845, 499-519, 2018
Numerical characterization and modeling of particle clustering in wall-bounded vertical risers
J Capecelatro, P Pepiot, O Desjardins
Chemical Engineering Journal 245, 295-310, 2014
A volume-filtered description of compressible particle-laden flows
GS Shallcross, RO Fox, J Capecelatro
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 122, 103138, 2020
Strongly coupled fluid-particle flows in vertical channels. I. Reynolds-averaged two-phase turbulence statistics
J Capecelatro, O Desjardins, RO Fox
Physics of Fluids 28 (3), 2016
Sparse identification of multiphase turbulence closures for coupled fluid–particle flows
S Beetham, RO Fox, J Capecelatro
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 914, A11, 2021
Strongly coupled fluid-particle flows in vertical channels. II. Turbulence modeling
J Capecelatro, O Desjardins, RO Fox
Physics of Fluids 28 (3), 2016
Inertial particle velocity and distribution in vertical turbulent channel flow: a numerical and experimental comparison
G Wang, KO Fong, F Coletti, J Capecelatro, DH Richter
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 120, 103105, 2019
Verification of Eulerian–Eulerian and Eulerian–Lagrangian simulations for turbulent fluid–particle flows
RG Patel, O Desjardins, B Kong, J Capecelatro, RO Fox
AIChE Journal 63 (12), 5396-5412, 2017
Euler–euler anisotropic gaussian mesoscale simulation of homogeneous cluster‐induced gas–particle turbulence
B Kong, RO Fox, H Feng, J Capecelatro, R Patel, O Desjardins, RO Fox
AIChE Journal 63 (7), 2630-2643, 2017
Modeling high-speed gas–particle flows relevant to spacecraft landings
J Capecelatro
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 150, 104008, 2022
Competition between drag and Coulomb interactions in turbulent particle-laden flows using a coupled-fluid–Ewald-summation based approach
Y Yao, J Capecelatro
Physical review fluids 3 (3), 034301, 2018
Effect of domain size on fluid–particle statistics in homogeneous, gravity-driven, cluster-induced turbulence
J Capecelatro, O Desjardins, RO Fox
Journal of Fluids Engineering 138 (4), 041301, 2016
Stochastic model for the hydrodynamic force in Euler–Lagrange simulations of particle-laden flows
AM Lattanzi, V Tavanashad, S Subramaniam, J Capecelatro
Physical Review Fluids 7 (1), 014301, 2022
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Articles 1–20