Sascha Klüppelholz
Sascha Klüppelholz
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (PostDoc) Technische Universität Dresden
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ProFeat: feature-oriented engineering for family-based probabilistic model checking
P Chrszon, C Dubslaff, S Klüppelholz, C Baier
Formal Aspects of Computing 30, 45-75, 2018
Energy-utility quantiles
C Baier, M Daum, C Dubslaff, J Klein, S Klüppelholz
NASA Formal Methods: 6th International Symposium, NFM 2014, Houston, TX, USA …, 2014
Computing conditional probabilities in Markovian models efficiently
C Baier, J Klein, S Klüppelholz, S Märcker
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 20th …, 2014
Probabilistic model checking for feature-oriented systems
C Dubslaff, C Baier, S Klüppelholz
Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development XII, 180-220, 2015
Symbolic model checking for channel-based component connectors
S Klüppelholz, C Baier
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 175 (2), 19-37, 2007
A uniform framework for modeling and verifying components and connectors
C Baier, T Blechmann, J Klein, S Klüppelholz
Coordination Models and Languages: 11th International Conference …, 2009
Probabilistic model checking for energy analysis in software product lines
C Dubslaff, S Klüppelholz, C Baier
Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Modularity, 169-180, 2014
Advances in probabilistic model checking with PRISM: variable reordering, quantiles and weak deterministic Büchi automata
J Klein, C Baier, P Chrszon, M Daum, C Dubslaff, S Klüppelholz, ...
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 20 (2), 179-194, 2018
Design and verification of systems with exogenous coordination using Vereofy
C Baier, T Blechmann, J Klein, S Klüppelholz, W Leister
Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification, and Validation: 4th …, 2010
Markov chains and unambiguous Büchi automata
C Baier, S Kiefer, J Klein, S Klüppelholz, D Müller, J Worrell
International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, 23-42, 2016
Trade-off analysis meets probabilistic model checking
C Baier, C Dubslaff, S Klüppelholz
Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the Twenty-Third EACSL Annual Conference …, 2014
A hardware/software stack for heterogeneous systems
J Castrillon, M Lieber, S Klüppelholz, M Völp, N Asmussen, U Assmann, ...
IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems 4 (3), 243-259, 2017
Advances in symbolic probabilistic model checking with PRISM
J Klein, C Baier, P Chrszon, M Daum, C Dubslaff, S Klüppelholz, ...
International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and …, 2016
Family-Based Modeling and Analysis for Probabilistic Systems – Featuring ProFeat
P Chrszon, C Dubslaff, S Klüppelholz, C Baier
International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering …, 2016
Weight monitoring with linear temporal logic: complexity and decidability
C Baier, J Klein, S Klüppelholz, S Wunderlich
Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the Twenty-Third EACSL Annual Conference …, 2014
Formal verification for components and connectors
C Baier, T Blechmann, J Klein, S Klüppelholz
Formal Methods for Components and Objects: 7th International Symposium, FMCO …, 2009
Probabilistic model checking for energy-utility analysis
C Baier, C Dubslaff, J Klein, S Klüppelholz, S Wunderlich
Horizons of the Mind. A Tribute to Prakash Panangaden: Essays Dedicated to …, 2014
Maximizing the conditional expected reward for reaching the goal
C Baier, J Klein, S Klüppelholz, S Wunderlich
International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and …, 2017
Probabilistic model checking and non-standard multi-objective reasoning
C Baier, C Dubslaff, S Klüppelholz, M Daum, J Klein, S Märcker, ...
International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, 1-16, 2014
Symbolic model checking for channel-based component connectors
S Klüppelholz, C Baier
Science of Computer Programming 74 (9), 688-701, 2009
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