Brian Murphy
Brian Murphy
Chief Scientific Officer, Founder, Cumulus Neuroscience
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Simultaneously uncovering the patterns of brain regions involved in different story reading subprocesses
L Wehbe, B Murphy, P Talukdar, A Fyshe, A Ramdas, T Mitchell
PloS one 9 (11), e112575, 2014
Learning Effective and Interpretable Semantic Models using Non-Negative Sparse Embedding
B Murphy, PP Talukdar, T Mitchell
International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2012), Mumbai …, 2012
Strudel: A Corpus‐Based Semantic Model Based on Properties and Types
M Baroni, B Murphy, E Barbu, M Poesio
Cognitive Science 34 (2), 222-254, 2010
Interpretable semantic vectors from a joint model of brain-and text-based meaning
A Fyshe, PP Talukdar, B Murphy, TM Mitchell
Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2014
Selecting Corpus-Semantic Models for Neurolinguistic Decoding
B Murphy, P Talukdar, T Mitchell
First Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM), 114–123, 2012
The syntax of concealment: reliable methods for plain text information hiding
B Murphy, C Vogel
Security, steganography, and watermarking of multimedia contents IX 6505 …, 2007
EEG decoding of semantic category reveals distributed representations for single concepts
B Murphy, M Poesio, F Bovolo, L Bruzzone, M Dalponte, H Lakany
Brain and language 117 (1), 12-22, 2011
A compositional and interpretable semantic space
A Fyshe, L Wehbe, P Talukdar, B Murphy, T Mitchell
Proceedings of the 2015 conference of the north american chapter of the …, 2015
Turbo-smt: Accelerating coupled sparse matrix-tensor factorizations by 200x
EE Papalexakis, C Faloutsos, TM Mitchell, PP Talukdar, ND Sidiropoulos, ...
Proceedings of the 2014 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 118-126, 2014
EEG responds to conceptual stimuli and corpus semantics
B Murphy, M Baroni, M Poesio
Proceedings of the 2009 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2009
An economic and greenhouse gas emissions evaluation of pasture-based dairy calf-to-beef production systems
B Murphy, P Crosson, AK Kelly, R Prendiville
Agricultural Systems 154, 124-132, 2017
Decoding semantics across fMRI sessions with different stimulus modalities: a practical MVPA study
H Akama, B Murphy, L Na, Y Shimizu, M Poesio
Frontiers in neuroinformatics 6, 24, 2012
Cross-lingual portability of semantic relations: Bootstrapping Chinese WordNet with English WordNet relations
CR Huang, E Tseng, D Tsai, B Murphy
Language and Linguistics 4 (3), 509-532, 2003
BrainBench: A Brain-Image Test Suite for Distributional Semantic Models
H Xu, B Murphy, A Fyshe
Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2016
Discriminating taxonomic categories and domains in mental simulations of concepts of varying concreteness
AJ Anderson, B Murphy, M Poesio
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 26 (3), 658-681, 2014
Documents and Dependencies: an Exploration of Vector Space Models for Semantic Composition
A Fyshe, P Talukdar, B Murphy, T Mitchell
Seventeenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning, CONLL, 2013
Syntactic information hiding in plain text
B Murphy
Trinity College, 2001
Are there consistent abnormalities in event‐related EEG oscillations in patients with Alzheimer¢s disease compared to other diseases belonging to dementia?
B Güntekin, T Aktürk, X Arakaki, L Bonanni, C Del Percio, R Edelmayer, ...
Psychophysiology 59 (5), e13934, 2022
Neural basis of language switching in the brain: fMRI evidence from Korean–Chinese early bilinguals
M Lei, H Akama, B Murphy
Brain and language 138, 12-18, 2014
Mid-Holocene climate change and landscape formation in Ireland: Evidence from a geochemical investigation of a coastal peat bog
SF Jordan, BT Murphy, SS O'Reilly, KP Doyle, MD Williams, A Grey, S Lee, ...
Organic Geochemistry 109, 67-76, 2017
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Articles 1–20