Mario E. Iannazzo Soteras
Mario E. Iannazzo Soteras
PhD in Electronics Engineering
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Cited by
On the area and energy scalability of wireless network-on-chip: A model-based benchmarked design space exploration
S Abadal, M Iannazzo, M Nemirovsky, A Cabellos-Aparicio, H Lee, ...
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 23 (5), 1501-1513, 2014
Optimization of a Compact I-V Model for Graphene FETs: Extending Parameter Scalability for Circuit Design Exploration
M Iannazzo, VL Muzzo, S Rodriguez, H Pandey, A Rusu, M Lemme, ...
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 62 (11), 3870-3875, 2015
Design exploration of graphene-FET based ring-oscillator circuits: A test-bench for large-signal compact models
M Iannazzo, VL Muzzo, S Rodriguez, A Rusu, M Lemme, E Alarcón
2015 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2716-2719, 2015
Evaluating the feasibility of wireless networks-on-chip enabled by graphene
S Abadal, A Mestres, M Iannazzo, J Solé-Pareta, E Alarcón, ...
Proceedings of the 2014 International Workshop on Network on Chip …, 2014
Implementation of an application-specific fuzzy controller by means of a mixed-signal sequential architecture
E Alarcon, M Iannazzo, J Madrenas, JM Moreno, S Gombriz, F Guinjoan, ...
Circuits and Systems, 1998. Proceedings. 1998 Midwest Symposium on, 430-433, 1998
Enhanced Intrinsic Voltage Gain in Artificially Stacked Bilayer CVD Graphene Field Effect Transistors
H Pandey, JD Aguirre‐Morales, S Kataria, S Fregonese, V Passi, ...
Annalen der Physik, 2017
3Cat-1 project: a multi-payload CubeSat for scientific experiments and technology demonstrators
R Jove-Casurellas, C Araguz, P Via, A Solanellas, A Amézaga, D Vidal, ...
European Journal of Remote Sensing 50 (1), 125-136, 2017
Improved voltage gain in mechanically stacked bilayer graphene field effect transistors
H Pandey, S Kataria, V Passi, M Iannazzo, E Alarcon, MC Lemme
2016 Joint International EUROSOI Workshop and International Conference on …, 2016
CVD graphene-FET based cascode circuits: A design exploration and fabrication towards intrinsic gain enhancement
M Iannazzo, E Alarcon, H Pandey, V Passi, MC Lemme
2016 46th European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC), 244-247, 2016
Noise and Speed Performance in Switched-Current Memory Cells
E Alarcón, M Iannazzo, J Madrenas
Proceedings of the All Conference Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems …, 1997
Design exploration and measurement benchmark of integrated-circuits based on graphene field-effect-transistors: towards wireless nanotransceivers
ME Iannazzo Soteras
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2017
Capacitance compact modelling of four-terminal graphene FETs preserving charge conservation: A circuit-oriented device model benchmark
F Pasadas, D Jiménez, M Iannazzo, E Alarcón
Graphene Conference, Bilbao (Spain), 2015
3Cat-1: a multi-payload Cubesat-based scientific and technology demonstrator
R Jové Casulleras, AJ Camps Carmona, JJ Ramos Castro, ...
The 4S Symposium: Small Satellites Systems and Services: proceedings …, 2014
Design exploration and measurement benchmark of integrated-circuits based on graphene field-effect-transistors: towards wireless nanotransceivers
M Iannazzo
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), 2017
Correspondence Author's Reply to “Comments on 'Optimization of a Compact I-V Model for Graphene FETs: Extending Parameter Scalability for Circuit Design Exploration'” S …
M Iannazzo, MC Lemme, E Alarcón
Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on 63 (5), 2226, 2016
Telecommunications Degree Thesis: Design and Implementation of Mixed Signal Integrated Circuits for an Application Specific Fuzzy Controller
M Iannazzo, E Alarcón
UPC BarcelonaTech, 1998
Modulador PWM VLSI para división de señales analógicas: aplicación al control fuzzy de convertidores continua-continua
E Alarcón, M Iannazzo, F Guinjoan, AP López
SAAEI'98: V Seminario Anual de Automática, Electrónica Industrial e …, 1998
Very-Large-Scale-Integration of a Pulse-Width-Modulator for Analog-Signal Division Applied to the Fuzzy Control of DC-DC Converters
E Alarcón, M Iannazzo, F Guinjoan, A Poveda
V Seminario Anual de Automática, Electrónica Industrial e Instrumentación …, 1998
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Articles 1–18