Matija Lozej
Matija Lozej
Central Bank of Ireland
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Comparing fiscal multipliers across models and countries in Europe
J Kilponen, M Pisani, S Schmidt, V Corbo, T Hledik, J Hollmayr, S Hurtado, ...
International Journal of Central Banking 15 (3), 285-320, 2015
Government expenditure composition and fiscal policy spillovers in small open economies within a monetary union
D Clancy, P Jacquinot, M Lozej
Journal of Macroeconomics 48, 305-326, 2016
Economic migration and business cycles in a small open economy with matching frictions
M Lozej
Economic Modelling 81, 604-620, 2019
Countercyclical Capital Regulation in a Small Open Economy DSGE Model
M Lozej, L Onorante, A Rannenberg
Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2022
Climate change and monetary policy in the euro area
F Drudi, E Moench, C Holthausen, PF Weber, G Ferrucci, R Setzer, ...
Real and financial cycles in EU countries: Stylised facts and modelling implications
G Rünstler, H Balfoussia, L Burlon, G Buss, M Comunale, B De Backer, ...
ECB Occasional Paper, 2018
Macroeconomic effects of carbon transition policies: an assessment based on the ECBĒs New Area-Wide Model with a disaggregated energy sector
G Coenen, M Lozej, R Priftis
European Economic Review 167, 104798, 2024
Financing government investment and its implications for public capital: A small open economy perspective
R Hickey, M Lozej, D Smyth
Economic Modelling 93, 620-641, 2020
Labour Tax Reforms, Cross-Country Coordination and the Monetary Policy Stance in the Euro Area: A Structural Model-Based Approach
P Jacquinot, M Lozej, M Pisani
International Journal of Central Banking 14 (3), 65-140, 2018
Flexibility of new hiresĒ earnings in Ireland
R Lydon, M Lozej
Labour Economics 53, 112-127, 2018
Macroeconomic effects of tariffs shocks: the role of the effective lower bound and the labour market
P Jacquinot, M Lozej, M Pisani
Journal of International Money and Finance 120, 2022
The macroeconomic effects of the LTV and LTI ratios in Ireland
M Lozej, A Rannenberg
Applied economics letters 25 (21), 1507-1511, 2018
Business investment in EU countries
M Bańbura, M Albani, G Ambrocio, D Bursian, G Buss, J de Winter, ...
ECB Occasional Paper, 2018
Labour market modelling in the light of the financial crisis
P Lafourcade, A Gerali, J Brůha, D Bursian, G Buss, V Corbo, M Haavio, ...
ECB Occasional Paper, 2016
Global models for a global pandemic: the impact of COVID-19 on small euro area economies
P Garcia, P Jacquinot, Č Lenarčič, M Lozej, K Mavromatis
Journal of Macroeconomics 77, 103551, 2023
Pigou cycles in closed and open economies with matching frictions
WJ Den Haan, M Lozej
NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics 7 (1), 193-234, 2011
Financial innovation and firm debt over the business cycle
M Lozej
unpublished manuscript, University of Amsterdam, 2010
Obvezne rezerve bank
M Lozej
On household labour supply in sticky-wage HANK models
R Gerke, S Giesen, M Lozej, J Röttger
Deutsche Bundesbank Discussion Paper No 01/2024, 2024
Review of macroeconomic modelling in the Eurosystem: current practices and scope for improvement
M Darracq Paries, A Notarpietro, J Kilponen, N Papadopoulou, S Zimic, ...
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