Andrea Mocci
Andrea Mocci
Junior Group Leader, Software Institute, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland
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Παρατίθεται από
Παρατίθεται από
I know what you did last summer-an investigation of how developers spend their time
R Minelli, A Mocci, M Lanza
2015 IEEE 23rd international conference on program comprehension, 25-35, 2015
Improving low quality stack overflow post detection
L Ponzanelli, A Mocci, A Bacchelli, M Lanza, D Fullerton
2014 IEEE international conference on software maintenance and evolution …, 2014
Synthesizing intensional behavior models by graph transformation
C Ghezzi, A Mocci, M Monga
2009 IEEE 31st International Conference on Software Engineering, 430-440, 2009
Too long; didn't watch! extracting relevant fragments from software development video tutorials
L Ponzanelli, G Bavota, A Mocci, M Di Penta, R Oliveto, M Hasan, ...
Proceedings of the 38th international conference on software engineering …, 2016
Understanding and classifying the quality of technical forum questions
L Ponzanelli, A Mocci, A Bacchelli, M Lanza
2014 14th International Conference on Quality Software, 343-352, 2014
Use at your own risk: The java unsafe api in the wild
L Mastrangelo, L Ponzanelli, A Mocci, M Lanza, M Hauswirth, N Nystrom
ACM Sigplan Notices 50 (10), 695-710, 2015
How to gamify software engineering
T Dal Sasso, A Mocci, M Lanza, E Mastrodicasa
2017 IEEE 24th International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and …, 2017
Automatic identification and classification of software development video tutorial fragments
L Ponzanelli, G Bavota, A Mocci, R Oliveto, M Di Penta, S Haiduc, ...
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 45 (5), 464-488, 2017
Supporting software developers with a holistic recommender system
L Ponzanelli, S Scalabrino, G Bavota, A Mocci, R Oliveto, M Di Penta, ...
2017 IEEE/ACM 39th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE …, 2017
Extracting structured data from natural language documents with island parsing
A Bacchelli, A Cleve, M Lanza, A Mocci
2011 26th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software …, 2011
Visualizing developer interactions
R Minelli, A Mocci, M Lanza, L Baracchi
2014 Second IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization, 147-156, 2014
CodeTube: Extracting relevant fragments from software development video tutorials
L Ponzanelli, G Bavota, A Mocci, M Di Penta, R Oliveto, B Russo, ...
Proceedings of the 38th International conference on software engineering …, 2016
Stormed: Stack overflow ready made data
L Ponzanelli, A Mocci, M Lanza
2015 IEEE/ACM 12th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, 474-477, 2015
The tragedy of defect prediction, prince of empirical software engineering research
M Lanza, A Mocci, L Ponzanelli
IEEE Software 33 (6), 102-105, 2016
Summarizing complex development artifacts by mining heterogeneous data
L Ponzanelli, A Mocci, M Lanza
2015 IEEE/ACM 12th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, 401-405, 2015
What makes a satisficing bug report?
T Dal Sasso, A Mocci, M Lanza
2016 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and …, 2016
Collaboration in open-source projects: Myth or reality?
Y Tymchuk, A Mocci, M Lanza
Proceedings of the 11th working conference on mining software repositories …, 2014
Investigating the use of code analysis and NLP to promote a consistent usage of identifiers
B Lin, S Scalabrino, A Mocci, R Oliveto, G Bavota, M Lanza
2017 IEEE 17th International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and …, 2017
How developers document pull requests with external references
F Zampetti, L Ponzanelli, G Bavota, A Mocci, M Di Penta, M Lanza
2017 IEEE/ACM 25th International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC …, 2017
Quantifying program comprehension with interaction data
R Minelli, A Mocci, M Lanza, T Kobayashi
2014 14th International conference on quality software, 276-285, 2014
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