Emmanuel João Nogueira Leal da Silva
Emmanuel João Nogueira Leal da Silva
Grande Rio University
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Cited by
Blue thermomechanical treatment optimizes fatigue resistance and flexibility of the Reciproc files
G De-Deus, EJNL Silva, VTL Vieira, FG Belladonna, CN Elias, G Plotino, ...
Journal of endodontics 43 (3), 462-466, 2017
Evaluation of cytotoxicity and physicochemical properties of calcium silicate-based endodontic sealer MTA Fillapex
EJNL Silva, TP Rosa, DR Herrera, RC Jacinto, BPFA Gomes, AA Zaia
Journal of endodontics 39 (2), 274-277, 2013
Lack of causal relationship between dentinal microcracks and root canal preparation with reciprocation systems
G De-Deus, EJNL Silva, J Marins, E Souza, A de Almeida Neves, ...
Journal of Endodontics 40 (9), 1447-1450, 2014
Physical properties of MTA Fillapex sealer
RP Vitti, C Prati, EJNL Silva, MAC Sinhoreti, CH Zanchi, MGS e Silva, ...
Journal of endodontics 39 (7), 915-918, 2013
Evaluation of root canal configuration of mandibular molars in a Brazilian population by using cone-beam computed tomography: an in vivo study
EJNL Silva, Y Nejaim, AV Silva, F Haiter-Neto, N Cohenca
Journal of endodontics 39 (7), 849-852, 2013
Influence of access cavity design on root canal detection, instrumentation efficacy, and fracture resistance assessed in maxillary molars
G Rover, FG Belladonna, EA Bortoluzzi, G De-Deus, EJNL Silva, ...
Journal of Endodontics 43 (10), 1657-1662, 2017
Apically extruded dentin debris by reciprocating single-file and multi-file rotary system
G De-Deus, A Neves, EJ Silva, TA Mendonça, C Lourenço, C Calixto, ...
Clinical oral investigations 19, 357-361, 2015
Evaluation of root canal configuration of maxillary molars in a Brazilian population using cone-beam computed tomographic imaging: an in vivo study
EJNL Silva, Y Nejaim, AIV Silva, F Haiter-Neto, AA Zaia, N Cohenca
Journal of endodontics 40 (2), 173-176, 2014
Micro–computed tomographic assessment on the effect of ProTaper Next and Twisted File Adaptive systems on dentinal cracks
G De-Deus, FG Belladonna, EM Souza, EJNL Silva, A de Almeida Neves, ...
Journal of endodontics 41 (7), 1116-1119, 2015
Effectiveness of XP‐endo Finisher and XP‐endo Finisher R in removing root filling remnants: a micro‐CT study
E Silva, FG Belladonna, AS Zuolo, E Rodrigues, IC Ehrhardt, EM Souza, ...
International endodontic journal 51 (1), 86-91, 2018
Controlling rheology and structure of sweet potato starch noodles with high broccoli powder content by hydrocolloids
E Silva, M Birkenhake, E Scholten, LMC Sagis, E Van der Linden
Food Hydrocolloids 30 (1), 42-52, 2013
Reciprocating versus rotary systems for root filling removal: assessment of the apically extruded material
EJNL Silva, L Sá, FG Belladonna, AA Neves, T Accorsi-Mendonça, ...
Journal of Endodontics 40 (12), 2077-2080, 2014
Prevalence studies on root canal anatomy using cone-beam computed tomographic imaging: a systematic review
JNR Martins, D Marques, EJNL Silva, J Caramês, MA Versiani
Journal of endodontics 45 (4), 372-386. e4, 2019
Accumulated hard tissue debris produced during reciprocating and rotary nickel-titanium canal preparation
G De-Deus, J Marins, EJNL Silva, E Souza, FG Belladonna, C Reis, ...
Journal of Endodontics 41 (5), 676-681, 2015
Postoperative pain after foraminal enlargement in anterior teeth with necrosis and apical periodontitis: a prospective and randomized clinical trial
EJNL Silva, K Menaged, N Ajuz, MRFP Monteiro, ...
Journal of endodontics 39 (2), 173-176, 2013
Comparison of apically extruded debris after large apical preparations by full‐sequence rotary and single‐file reciprocating systems
E Silva, MF Carapiá, RM Lopes, FG Belladonna, PM Senna, EM Souza, ...
International endodontic journal 49 (7), 700-705, 2016
Micro‐CT assessment of the shaping ability of four root canal instrumentation systems in oval‐shaped canals
ML Zuolo, AA Zaia, FG Belladonna, E Silva, EM Souza, MA Versiani, ...
International Endodontic Journal 51 (5), 564-571, 2018
Micro-CT evaluation of non-instrumented canal areas with different enlargements performed by NiTi systems
G De-Deus, FG Belladonna, EJNL Silva, JR Marins, EM Souza, R Perez, ...
Brazilian dental journal 26, 624-629, 2015
Current status on minimal access cavity preparations: a critical analysis and a proposal for a universal nomenclature
E Silva, KP Pinto, CM Ferreira, FG Belladonna, G De‐Deus, ...
International Endodontic Journal 53 (12), 1618-1635, 2020
Bending resistance and dynamic and static cyclic fatigue life of Reciproc and WaveOne large instruments
G De-Deus, VTL Vieira, EJN da Silva, H Lopes, CN Elias, EJ Moreira
Journal of endodontics 40 (4), 575-579, 2014
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Articles 1–20