Danilo Ercolini
Danilo Ercolini
Professor of Microbiology University of Naples Federico II
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A communal catalogue reveals Earth’s multiscale microbial diversity
LR Thompson, JG Sanders, D McDonald, A Amir, J Ladau, KJ Locey, ...
Nature 551 (7681), 457-463, 2017
High-level adherence to a Mediterranean diet beneficially impacts the gut microbiota and associated metabolome
F De Filippis, N Pellegrini, L Vannini, IB Jeffery, A La Storia, L Laghi, ...
Gut 65 (11), 1812-1821, 2016
PCR-DGGE fingerprinting: novel strategies for detection of microbes in food
D Ercolini
Journal of microbiological methods 56 (3), 297-314, 2004
Spoilage microbiota associated to the storage of raw meat in different conditions
AI Doulgeraki, D Ercolini, F Villani, GJE Nychas
International journal of food microbiology 157 (2), 130-141, 2012
Membrane toxicity of antimicrobial compounds from essential oils
R Di Pasqua, G Betts, N Hoskins, M Edwards, D Ercolini, G Mauriello
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 55 (12), 4863-4870, 2007
Bacterial populations and the volatilome associated to meat spoilage
A Casaburi, P Piombino, GJ Nychas, F Villani, D Ercolini
Food microbiology 45, 83-102, 2015
Changes in the spoilage-related microbiota of beef during refrigerated storage under different packaging conditions
D Ercolini, F Russo, E Torrieri, P Masi, F Villani
Applied and environmental microbiology 72 (7), 4663-4671, 2006
High-throughput sequencing and metagenomics: moving forward in the culture-independent analysis of food microbial ecology
D Ercolini
Applied and environmental microbiology 79 (10), 3148-3155, 2013
Mediterranean diet intervention in overweight and obese subjects lowers plasma cholesterol and causes changes in the gut microbiome and metabolome independently of energy intake
V Meslier, M Laiola, F De Filippis, H Roume, B Quinquis, R Giacco, ...
Gut 69 (7), 1258-1268, 2020
Prevotella diversity, niches and interactions with the human host
A Tett, E Pasolli, G Masetti, D Ercolini, N Segata
Nature Reviews Microbiology 19 (9), 585-599, 2021
Mesophilic and psychrotrophic bacteria from meat and their spoilage potential in vitro and in beef
D Ercolini, F Russo, A Nasi, P Ferranti, F Villani
Applied and environmental microbiology 75 (7), 1990-2001, 2009
The Prevotella copri complex comprises four distinct clades underrepresented in westernized populations
A Tett, KD Huang, F Asnicar, H Fehlner-Peach, E Pasolli, N Karcher, ...
Cell host & microbe 26 (5), 666-679. e7, 2019
Whole-grain wheat consumption reduces inflammation in a randomized controlled trial on overweight and obese subjects with unhealthy dietary and lifestyle behaviors: role of …
P Vitaglione, I Mennella, R Ferracane, AA Rivellese, R Giacco, D Ercolini, ...
The American journal of clinical nutrition 101 (2), 251-261, 2015
Biochemical and sensory characteristics of traditional fermented sausages of Vallo di Diano (Southern Italy) as affected by the use of starter cultures
A Casaburi, MC Aristoy, S Cavella, R Di Monaco, D Ercolini, F Toldrį, ...
Meat Science 76 (2), 295-307, 2007
Bacterial community structure and location in Stilton cheese
D Ercolini, PJ Hill, CER Dodd
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69 (6), 3540-3548, 2003
Distinct genetic and functional traits of human intestinal Prevotella copri strains are associated with different habitual diets
F De Filippis, E Pasolli, A Tett, S Tarallo, A Naccarati, M De Angelis, ...
Cell host & microbe 25 (3), 444-453. e3, 2019
Monitoring of microbial metabolites and bacterial diversity in beef stored under different packaging conditions
D Ercolini, I Ferrocino, A Nasi, M Ndagijimana, P Vernocchi, A La Storia, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 77 (20), 7372-7381, 2011
Antibiotic-induced microbiota perturbation causes gut endocannabinoidome changes, hippocampal neuroglial reorganization and depression in mice
F Guida, F Turco, M Iannotta, D De Gregorio, I Palumbo, G Sarnelli, ...
Brain, behavior, and immunity 67, 230-245, 2018
Bacteria and yeast microbiota in milk kefir grains from different Italian regions
C Garofalo, A Osimani, V Milanović, L Aquilanti, F De Filippis, G Stellato, ...
Food microbiology 49, 123-133, 2015
Selection of Lactobacillus strains from fermented sausages for their potential use as probiotics
C Pennacchia, D Ercolini, G Blaiotta, O Pepe, G Mauriello, F Villani
Meat science 67 (2), 309-317, 2004
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Articles 1–20