Adrian Tett
Adrian Tett
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MetaPhlAn2 for enhanced metagenomic taxonomic profiling
DT Truong, EA Franzosa, TL Tickle, M Scholz, G Weingart, E Pasolli, ...
Nature methods 12 (10), 902-903, 2015
The minimum information about a genome sequence (MIGS) specification
D Field, G Garrity, T Gray, N Morrison, J Selengut, P Sterk, T Tatusova, ...
Nature biotechnology 26 (5), 541-547, 2008
Extensive unexplored human microbiome diversity revealed by over 150,000 genomes from metagenomes spanning age, geography, and lifestyle
E Pasolli, F Asnicar, S Manara, M Zolfo, N Karcher, F Armanini, F Beghini, ...
Cell 176 (3), 649-662. e20, 2019
Mother-to-infant microbial transmission from different body sites shapes the developing infant gut microbiome
P Ferretti, E Pasolli, A Tett, F Asnicar, V Gorfer, S Fedi, F Armanini, ...
Cell host & microbe 24 (1), 133-145. e5, 2018
Metagenomic analysis of colorectal cancer datasets identifies cross-cohort microbial diagnostic signatures and a link with choline degradation
AM Thomas, P Manghi, F Asnicar, E Pasolli, F Armanini, M Zolfo, ...
Nature medicine 25 (4), 667-678, 2019
Microbiome connections with host metabolism and habitual diet from 1,098 deeply phenotyped individuals
F Asnicar, SE Berry, AM Valdes, LH Nguyen, G Piccinno, DA Drew, ...
Nature Medicine 27 (2), 321-332, 2021
Microbial strain-level population structure and genetic diversity from metagenomes
DT Truong, A Tett, E Pasolli, C Huttenhower, N Segata
Genome research 27 (4), 626-638, 2017
Extending and improving metagenomic taxonomic profiling with uncharacterized species using MetaPhlAn 4
A Blanco-Míguez, F Beghini, F Cumbo, LJ McIver, KN Thompson, M Zolfo, ...
Nature Biotechnology, 1-12, 2023
Strain-level microbial epidemiology and population genomics from shotgun metagenomics
M Scholz, DV Ward, E Pasolli, T Tolio, M Zolfo, F Asnicar, DT Truong, ...
Nature methods 13 (5), 435-438, 2016
Prevotella diversity, niches and interactions with the human host
A Tett, E Pasolli, G Masetti, D Ercolini, N Segata
Nature Reviews Microbiology, 1-15, 2021
Strain-Level Analysis of Mother-to-Child Bacterial Transmission during the First Few Months of Life
M Yassour, E Jason, LJ Hogstrom, TD Arthur, S Tripathi, H Siljander, ...
Cell host & microbe 24 (1), 146-154. e4, 2018
The Prevotella copri complex comprises four distinct clades underrepresented in Westernized populations
A Tett, KD Huang, F Asnicar, H Fehlner-Peach, E Pasolli, N Karcher, ...
Cell host & microbe 26 (5), 666-679. e7, 2019
Studying vertical microbiome transmission from mothers to infants by strain-level metagenomic profiling
F Asnicar, S Manara, M Zolfo, DT Truong, M Scholz, F Armanini, P Ferretti, ...
MSystems 2 (1), 2017
Distinct genetic and functional traits of human intestinal Prevotella copri strains are associated with different habitual diets
F De Filippis, E Pasolli, A Tett, S Tarallo, A Naccarati, M De Angelis, ...
Cell host & microbe 25 (3), 444-453. e3, 2019
Exploring vertical transmission of bifidobacteria from mother to child
C Milani, L Mancabelli, GA Lugli, S Duranti, F Turroni, C Ferrario, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 81 (20), 7078, 2015
The person-to-person transmission landscape of the gut and oral microbiomes
M Valles-Colomer, A Blanco-Míguez, P Manghi, F Asnicar, L Dubois, ...
Nature, 1-11, 2023
Unexplored diversity and strain-level structure of the skin microbiome associated with psoriasis
A Tett, E Pasolli, S Farina, DT Truong, F Asnicar, M Zolfo, F Beghini, ...
NPJ biofilms and microbiomes 3 (1), 1-12, 2017
Metagenomic sequencing with strain-level resolution implicates uropathogenic E. coli in necrotizing enterocolitis and mortality in preterm infants
DV Ward, M Scholz, M Zolfo, DH Taft, KR Schibler, A Tett, N Segata, ...
Cell reports 14 (12), 2912-2924, 2016
Distinct Polysaccharide Utilization Profiles of Human Intestinal Prevotella copri Isolates
H Fehlner-Peach, C Magnabosco, V Raghavan, JU Scher, A Tett, LM Cox, ...
Cell Host & Microbe 26 (5), 680-690. e5, 2019
Progress towards understanding the fate of plasmids in bacterial communities
FR Slater, MJ Bailey, AJ Tett, SL Turner
FEMS microbiology ecology 66 (1), 3-13, 2008
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Articles 1–20