Azin Amini
Azin Amini
Scientist at Ecole polythechnique fédérale de Lausanne
Η διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου έχει επαληθευτεί στον τομέα epfl.ch
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Dynamics of low-viscosity oils retained by rigid and flexible barriers
A Amini, E Bollaert, JL Boillat, AJ Schleiss
Ocean Engineering 35 (14-15), 1479-1491, 2008
Numerical modeling of oil-water multiphase flow contained by an oil spill barrier
A Amini, AJ Schleiss
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 3 (2), 207-219, 2009
Contractile floating barriers for confinement and recuperation of oil slicks
A Amini, A Schleiss
EPFL-LCH, 2007
Fluid-structure interaction analysis applied to oil containment booms
A Amini, M Mahzari, E Bollaert, A Schleiss
International oil spill conference 2005 (1), 585-588, 2005
Velocity profiles and interface instability in a two-phase fluid: investigations using ultrasonic velocity profiler
A Amini, G De Cesare, AJ Schleiss
Experiments in fluids 46, 683-692, 2009
Behavior of rigid and flexible oil barriers in the presence of waves
A Amini, AJ Schleiss
Applied Ocean Research 31 (3), 186-196, 2009
Preliminary design criteria for oil spill confinement booms
A Amini, E Bollaert, JL Boillat, A Schleiss
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 68, 2004
Computational hydraulic modelling of fine sediment stirring and evacuation through the power waterways at the Trift reservoir
A Amini, P Manso, S Venuleo, N Lindsay, C Leupi, A Schleiss
Hydro 2017, 2017
Investigation of venting turbidity currents in the Rudbar-Lorestan reservoir in Iran
A Amini, S Venuleo, S Chamoun, G De Cesare, A Schleiss, F Takhtemina
Abstract Book of the 85th ICOLD Annual Meeting, 77, 2017
Comprehensive numerical simulations of sediment transport and flushing of a Peruvian reservoir
A Amini, P Heller, G De Cesare, A Schleiss
Proceedings of River Flow 2014, Special Session on Reservoir Sedimentation …, 2014
Entrainment of floating granules behind a barrier
A Amini, JL Boillat, AJ Schleiss
Journal of hydraulic research 47 (6), 711-715, 2009
Wave atlas for Swiss lakes: modeling design waves in mountainous lakes
A Amini, B Dhont, P Heller
Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research 5 (2), 103-113, 2017
Interface tracking and velocity profile in an oil-water two-phase flow
A Amini, G De Cesare, AJ Schleiss
Fifth international symposium on ultrasonic Doppler methods for fluid …, 2006
Computational modelling of fine sediment release using SEDMIX device with thrusters
A Onate-Paladines, A Amini, G De Cesare
SCCER-SoE Annual Conference 2019-Hydropower and Geo-Energy in Switzerland …, 2019
Innovative methods to release fine sediments from reservoirs developed at EPFL, Switzerland
G De Cesare, P Manso, S Chamoun, A Amini, A Schleiss
IAHR Hydrolink, 54-58, 2019
Innovative methods to release fine sediments from seasonal reservoirs
G De Cesare, PFA Manso, S Chamoun, S Guillén-Ludeña, A Amini, ...
Twenty-Sixth International Congress on Large Dams/Vingt-Sixième Congrès …, 2018
Improvement of EIA methods for large reservoirs by using network thinking analysis approach: a case study of Azad dam, Iran
M Nikravan, M Azizi, M Payami, M Sadeghi, AR Zarrati, A Amini, Y Fessler, ...
Proceedings of HYDRO 2018 1, 2018
Untersuchung von Renaturierungskonzepten am Seeufer Gals, Bielersee
A Schiefer, C Iseli, A Amini, G De Cesare
Fachzeitschrift Ingenieurbiologie/Génie biologique 2 (26), 62-69, 2016
Effect of waves on a flexible containment oil barrier
A Amini, JL Boillat, A Schleiss
International Oil Spill Conference 2008 (1), 463-467, 2008
Velocity field measurements in the vicinity of an oil spill barrier using LSPIV method
A Amini, SA Kantoush, AJ Schleiss
Proc. of the International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics. IAHR. Izmir …, 2008
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