John R. Taylor
John R. Taylor
Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge
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100,000 genomes pilot on rare-disease diagnosis in health care—preliminary report
100,000 Genomes Project Pilot Investigators
New England Journal of Medicine 385 (20), 1868-1880, 2021
Symmetric instability in the Gulf Stream
LN Thomas, JR Taylor, R Ferrari, TM Joyce
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 91, 96-110, 2013
Clinical characteristics with inflammation profiling of long COVID and association with 1-year recovery following hospitalisation in the UK: a prospective observational study
RA Evans, OC Leavy, M Richardson, O Elneima, HJC McAuley, ...
The Lancet Respiratory Medicine 10 (8), 761-775, 2022
Manipulating metabolic parameters to improve growth rate and milk secretion
RL Baldwin, NE Smith, J Taylor, M Sharp
Journal of Animal Science 51 (6), 1416-1428, 1980
Shutdown of turbulent convection as a new criterion for the onset of spring phytoplankton blooms
JR Taylor, R Ferrari
Limnology and Oceanography 56 (6), 2293-2307, 2011
Efficacy and Safety of Oral Conivaptan: A V1A/V2 Vasopressin Receptor Antagonist, Assessed in a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial in Patients with …
JK Ghali, MJ Koren, JR Taylor, E Brooks-Asplund, K Fan, WA Long, ...
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 91 (6), 2145-2152, 2006
Buoyancy and wind-driven convection at mixed layer density fronts
JR Taylor, R Ferrari
Journal of Physical Oceanography 40 (6), 1222-1242, 2010
Ocean fronts trigger high latitude phytoplankton blooms
JR Taylor, R Ferrari
Geophysical Research Letters 38 (23), 2011
Trade-offs of chemotactic foraging in turbulent water
JR Taylor, R Stocker
Science 338 (6107), 675-679, 2012
Predictors of prolonged dysphagia following acute stroke
S Broadley, D Croser, J Cottrell, M Creevy, E Teo, D Yiu, R Pathi, J Taylor, ...
Journal of clinical neuroscience 10 (3), 300-305, 2003
Parameterization of frontal symmetric instabilities. I: Theory for resolved fronts
SD Bachman, B Fox-Kemper, JR Taylor, LN Thomas
Ocean Modelling 109, 72-95, 2017
On the equilibration of a symmetrically unstable front via a secondary shear instability
JR Taylor, R Ferrari
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 622, 103-113, 2009
The LatMix summer campaign: Submesoscale stirring in the upper ocean
AY Shcherbina, MA Sundermeyer, E Kunze, E D’Asaro, G Badin, D Birch, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 96 (8), 1257-1279, 2015
Symmetric instability, inertial oscillations, and turbulence at the Gulf Stream front
LN Thomas, JR Taylor, EA D’Asaro, CM Lee, JM Klymak, A Shcherbina
Journal of Physical Oceanography 46 (1), 197-217, 2016
Reduction of the usable wind‐work on the general circulation by forced symmetric instability
LN Thomas, JR Taylor
Geophysical Research Letters 37 (18), 2010
Numerical simulations of the stratified oceanic bottom boundary layer
JR Taylor
University of California, San Diego, 2008
Submesoscale dynamics in the upper ocean
JR Taylor, AF Thompson
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 55 (1), 103-127, 2023
The bat fauna of Lamanai, Belize: roosts and trophic roles
MB Fenton, E Bernard, S Bouchard, L Hollis, DS Johnston, CL Lausen, ...
Journal of Tropical Ecology 17 (4), 511-524, 2001
Stratification effects in a bottom Ekman layer
JR Taylor, S Sarkar
Journal of Physical oceanography 38 (11), 2535-2555, 2008
1′, 1′-Dimethylheptyl-Δ-8-tetrahydrocannabinol-11-oic acid: a novel, orally effective cannabinoid with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties
EZ Dajani, KR Larsen, J Taylor, NE Dajani, TG Shahwan, SD Neeleman, ...
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 291 (1), 31-38, 1999
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Articles 1–20