David Onalo
Cited by
Cited by
Data driven model for sonic well log prediction
D Onalo, S Adedigba, F Khan, LA James, S Butt
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 170, 1022-1037, 2018
Modeling investigation of low salinity water injection in sandstones and carbonates: Effect of Na+ and SO42−
C Esene, D Onalo, S Zendehboudi, L James, A Aborig, S Butt
Fuel 232, 362-373, 2018
Dynamic data driven sonic well log model for formation evaluation
D Onalo, O Oloruntobi, S Adedigba, F Khan, L James, S Butt
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 175, 1049-1062, 2019
Data-driven shear wave velocity prediction model for siliciclastic rocks
O Oloruntobi, D Onalo, S Adedigba, L James, R Chunduru, S Butt
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 183, 106293, 2019
Static Young's modulus model prediction for formation evaluation
D Onalo, O Oloruntobi, S Adedigba, F Khan, L James, S Butt
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 171, 394-402, 2018
Data-driven model for shear wave transit time prediction for formation evaluation
D Onalo, S Adedigba, O Oloruntobi, F Khan, LA James, S Butt
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology 10, 1429-1447, 2020
Dynamic data driven investigation of petrophysical and geomechanical properties for reservoir formation evaluation
DO Onalo
Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2019
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Articles 1–7