George E. Kapellos
George E. Kapellos
Chemical Engineering, MIT
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Hierarchical simulator of biofilm growth and dynamics in granular porous materials
GE Kapellos, TS Alexiou, AC Payatakes
Advances in Water Resources 30 (6-7), 1648-1667, 2007
Theoretical modeling of fluid flow in cellular biological media: An overview
GE Kapellos, TS Alexiou, AC Payatakes
Mathematical biosciences 225 (2), 83-93, 2010
A multiscale theoretical model for diffusive mass transfer in cellular biological media
GE Kapellos, TS Alexiou, AC Payatakes
Mathematical biosciences 210 (1), 177-237, 2007
Microbial strategies for oil biodegradation
GE Kapellos
Modeling of Microscale Transport in Biological Processes, 19-39, 2017
Modeling momentum and mass transport in cellular biological media: from the molecular to the tissue scale
GE Kapellos, TS Alexiou
Transport in Biological Media, 1-40, 2013
A multiscale theoretical model for fluid flow in cellular biological media
GE Kapellos, TS Alexiou, AC Payatakes
International Journal of Engineering Science 51, 241-271, 2012
Fluid-biofilm interactions in porous media
GE Kapellos, TS Alexiou, S Pavlou
Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Biological Processes, 207-238, 2015
Plane Couette-Poiseuille flow past a homogeneous poroelastic layer
TS Alexiou, GE Kapellos
Physics of Fluids 25 (7), 073605, 2013
Impact of microbial uptake on the nutrient plume around marine organic particles: high-resolution numerical analysis
GE Kapellos, HJ Eberl, N Kalogerakis, PS Doyle, CA Paraskeva
Microorganisms 10 (10), 2020, 2022
Theoretical insight into the biodegradation of solitary oil microdroplets moving through a water column
GE Kapellos, CA Paraskeva, N Kalogerakis, PS Doyle
Bioengineering 5 (1), 15, 2018
Hierarchical modeling approach for the prediction of effective hydraulic permeability and diffusion coefficient in biofilms
GE Kapellos, TS Alexiou, S Pavlou, AC Payatakes
Biofilms 2004, 24-26, 2004
Hierarchical hybrid simulation of biofilm growth dynamics in 3D porous media
GE Kapellos, TS Alexiou, S Pavlou
COUPLED IV: proceedings of the IV International Conference on Computational …, 2011
Hierarchical simulation of biofilm growth dynamics in porous media
GE Kapellos, TS Alexiou, S Pavlou, AC Payatakes
Environmental Science and Technology, American Science Press, Houston, USA 1 …, 2007
Bacterial clustering amplifies the reshaping of eutrophic plumes around marine particles: A hybrid data-driven model
GE Kapellos, HJ Eberl, N Kalogerakis, PS Doyle, CA Paraskeva
PLOS Computational Biology 20 (12), e1012660, 2024
Sinking behavior of biofilm-covered microplastics with irregular shape: computer aided simulation and experimental validation
G Kapellos, TH Nguyen, C Paraskeva
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 67, 2022
Buckling of biofilm-coated oil droplets
G Kapellos, TH Nguyen, M Nagarajan, V Spanoudaki, C Paraskeva, ...
75th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, 2022
Microbially-Induced Emulsification of Hexadecane By Marinobacter sp17
GE Kapellos, N Kalogerakis, PS Doyle
2019 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2019
Numerical Investigation of Hypoxic Effects on the Biodegradation of Oil Microdroplets
G Kapellos, N Kalogerakis, P Doyle
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2019, V48. 009, 2019
Compound Particle Model for the Microbial Degradation of Solitary Oil Microdroplets Traveling through a Water Column
G Kapellos, N Kalogerakis, P Doyle
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 63, 2018
Chapter 2 - Microbial strategies for Oil biodegradation
GE Kapellos
Modeling of Microscale Transport in Biological Processes, 19-39, 2017
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Articles 1–20