Achuthan Jayaraman
Achuthan Jayaraman
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Indian Ocean Experiment: An integrated analysis of the climate forcing and effects of the great Indo‐Asian haze
V Ramanathan, PJ Crutzen, J Lelieveld, AP Mitra, D Althausen, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 106 (D22), 28371-28398, 2001
Aerosols, their direct and indirect effects
JE Penner, MO Andreae, H Annegarn, L Barrie, J Feichter, D Hegg, ...
Climate change 2001: the scientific basis. Contribution of working group I …, 2001
Direct observations of aerosol radiative forcing over the tropical Indian Ocean during the January‐February 1996 pre‐INDOEX cruise
A Jayaraman, D Lubin, S Ramachandran, V Ramanathan, E Woodbridge, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 103 (D12), 13827-13836, 1998
Wintertime aerosol properties during foggy and nonfoggy days over urban center Delhi and their implications for shortwave radiative forcing
D Ganguly, A Jayaraman, TA Rajesh, H Gadhavi
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 111 (D15), 2006
Aerosol and pollutant transport and their impact on radiative forcing over the tropical Indian Ocean during the January—February 1996 pre-INDOEX cruise
TN Krishnamurti, B Jha, J Prospero, A Jayaraman, V Ramanathan
Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology 50 (5), 521-542, 1998
Physical and optical properties of aerosols over an urban location in western India: Seasonal variabilities
D Ganguly, A Jayaraman, H Gadhavi
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 111 (D24), 2006
Historical and Projected Surface Temperature over India during the 20th and 21st century
G Basha, P Kishore, MV Ratnam, A Jayaraman, A Agha Kouchak, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 2987, 2017
Absorbing aerosols: contribution of biomass burning and implications for radiative forcing
H Gadhavi, A Jayaraman
Annales Geophysicae 28 (1), 103-111, 2010
Atmospheric brown clouds. Regional assesment report with focus on Asia.
V Ramanathan, H Rodhe, MA Madhoolika Agrawal, H Akimoto, ...
Aerosol radiative forcing during clear, hazy, and foggy conditions over a continental polluted location in north India
S Ramachandran, R Rengarajan, A Jayaraman, MM Sarin, SK Das
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 111 (D20), 2006
BATAL: The balloon measurement campaigns of the Asian tropopause aerosol layer
JP Vernier, TD Fairlie, T Deshler, MV Ratnam, H Gadhavi, BS Kumar, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 99 (5), 955-973, 2018
Validation of MODIS derived aerosol optical depth over Western India
A Misra, A Jayaraman, D Ganguly
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 113 (D4), 2008
Single scattering albedo of aerosols over the central India: Implications for the regional aerosol radiative forcing
D Ganguly, H Gadhavi, A Jayaraman, TA Rajesh, A Misra
Geophysical research letters 32 (18), 2005
Ozone in the marine boundary layer over the tropical Indian Ocean
S Lal, M Naja, A Jayaraman
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 103 (D15), 18907-18917, 1998
Premonsoon aerosol mass loadings and size distributions over the Arabian Sea and the tropical Indian Ocean
S Ramachandran, A Jayaraman
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 107 (D24), AAC 1-1-AAC 1-21, 2002
Spatial variations in aerosol characteristics and regional radiative forcing over India: Measurements and modeling of 2004 road campaign experiment
A Jayaraman, H Gadhavi, D Ganguly, A Misra, S Ramachandran, ...
Atmospheric Environment 40 (34), 6504-6515, 2006
Role of black carbon in aerosol properties and radiative forcing over western India during premonsoon period
SK Das, A Jayaraman
Atmospheric Research 102 (3), 320-334, 2011
Fog-induced variations in aerosol optical and physical properties over the Indo-Gangetic Basin and impact to aerosol radiative forcing
SK Das, A Jayaraman, A Misra
Annales Geophysicae 26 (6), 1345-1354, 2008
Airborne lidar study of the vertical distribution of aerosols over Hyderabad, an urban site in central India, and its implication for radiative forcing calculations
H Gadhavi, A Jayaraman
Annales Geophysicae 24 (10), 2461-2470, 2006
Features in wavelength dependence of aerosol absorption observed over central India
D Ganguly, A Jayaraman, H Gadhavi, TA Rajesh
Geophysical research letters 32 (13), 2005
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Articles 1–20