Matthias Luber
Cited by
Cited by
People tracking with human motion predictions from social forces
M Luber, JA Stork, GD Tipaldi, KO Arras
2010 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation, 464-469, 2010
People tracking in rgb-d data with on-line boosted target models
M Luber, L Spinello, KO Arras
2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2011
Efficient people tracking in laser range data using a multi-hypothesis leg-tracker with adaptive occlusion probabilities
KO Arras, S Grzonka, M Luber, W Burgard
2008 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation, 1710-1715, 2008
Socially-aware robot navigation: A learning approach
M Luber, L Spinello, J Silva, KO Arras
2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2012
Tracking people in 3D using a bottom-up top-down detector
L Spinello, M Luber, KO Arras
2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1304-1310, 2011
Place-dependent people tracking
M Luber, G Diego Tipaldi, KO Arras
The International Journal of Robotics Research 30 (3), 280-293, 2011
Robot-specific social cues in emotional body language
S Embgen, M Luber, C Becker-Asano, M Ragni, V Evers, KO Arras
2012 IEEE RO-MAN: The 21st IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human …, 2012
Multi-hypothesis social grouping and tracking for mobile robots.
M Luber, KO Arras
Robotics: Science and Systems 129, 2013
Classifying dynamic objects: An unsupervised learning approach
M Luber, KO Arras, C Plagemann, W Burgard
Autonomous Robots 26, 141-151, 2009
Range-based people detection and tracking for socially enabled service robots
KO Arras, B Lau, S Grzonka, M Luber, OM Mozos, D Meyer-Delius, ...
Towards Service Robots for Everyday Environments: Recent Advances in …, 2012
Successful search and rescue in simulated disaster areas
A Kleiner, M Brenner, T Bräuer, C Dornhege, M Göbelbecker, M Luber, ...
RoboCup 2005: Robot Soccer World Cup IX 9, 323-334, 2006
Robocuprescue-robot league team rescuerobots freiburg (germany)
A Kleiner, B Steder, C Dornhege, D Höfer, D Meyer-Delius, J Prediger, ...
Better models for people tracking
M Luber, GD Tipaldi, KO Arras
2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 854-859, 2011
Spatially grounded multi-hypothesis tracking of people
M Luber, GD Tipaldi, KO Arras
Proceedings of the ICRA Workshop on People Detection and Tracking 104, 2009
Learning to detect and track people in rgbd data
M Luber, L Spinello, KO Arras
RGB-D Workshop, RSS 2, 2011
Resq freiburg: Team description and evaluation
A Kleiner, M Brenner, T Bräuer, C Dornhege, M Göbelbecker, M Luber, ...
Institut für Informatik, Universität Freiburg, 2005
Audio-based human activity recognition with robots
JA Stork, J Silva, L Spinello, KO Arras
International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR), 2011
Categorization of Indoor Places Using {RGB-D} Sensors
OM Mozos, H Mizutani, R Kurazume, T Hasegawa, OM Mozos, H Mizutani, ...
The 8th Joint Workshop on Machine Perception and Robotics (MPR2012) 18, 22-32, 2012
People tracking under social constraints
M Luber
Dissertation, Universität Freiburg, 2014, 2014
People Tracking Under Social Constraints: Bewegungsnachführung Von Fußgängern Unter Berücksichtung Sozialer Randbedingungen
M Luber
Universität, 2014
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Articles 1–20