Theo J. M. Zouros
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Cited by
Interaction of slow multicharged ions with solid surfaces
A Arnau, F Aumayr, PM Echenique, M Grether, W Heiland, J Limburg, ...
Surface Science Reports 27 (4-6), 113-239, 1997
Instabilities of massive scalar perturbations of a rotating black hole
TJM Zouros, DM Eardley
Annals of physics 118 (1), 139-155, 1979
Binary-encounter electrons observed at 0° in collisions of 1–2-MeV/amu H+, C 6+, N 7+, O 8+, and F 9+ ions with H 2 and He targets
DH Lee, P Richard, TJM Zouros, JM Sanders, JL Shinpaugh, H Hidmi
Physical Review A 41 (9), 4816, 1990
Few-photon multiple ionization of Ne and Ar by strong free-electron-laser pulses
R Moshammer, YH Jiang, L Foucar, A Rudenko, T Ergler, CD Schröter, ...
Physical review letters 98 (20), 203001, 2007
Double ionization of helium by fast electron impact
A Dorn, R Moshammer, CD Schröter, TJM Zouros, W Schmitt, H Kollmus, ...
Physical review letters 82 (12), 2496, 1999
Anomalous q dependence of 0'binary encounter electron production in energetic collisions of Fq+ (q= 3-9) with He and H2 targets
P Richards, DH Lee, TJM Zouros, JM Sanders, JL Shinpaugh
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 23 (11), L213, 1990
Projectile 1s→ 2p excitation due to electron-electron interaction in collisions of O 5+ and F 6+ ions with H 2 and He targets
TJM Zouros, DH Lee, P Richard
Physical review letters 62 (19), 2261, 1989
Investigating two-photon double ionization of by XUV-pump–XUV-probe experiments
YH Jiang, A Rudenko, JF Perez-Torres, O Herrwerth, L Foucar, M Kurka, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 81 (5), 051402, 2010
Selective production of Li-, Be-, and B-like K vacancy states in fast Ne projectiles studied by zero-degree Auger spectroscopy
A Itoh, D Schneider, T Schneider, TJM Zouros, G Nolte, G Schiwietz, ...
Physical Review A 31 (2), 684, 1985
Transfer excitation in He++ He collisions studied by 0 degrees electron spectroscopy
A Itoh, TJM Zouros, D Schneider, U Stettner, W Zeitz, N Stolterfoht
Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 18 (23), 4581, 1985
Electron Rearrangement Dynamics in Dissociating Molecules Accessed by Extreme Ultraviolet Pump-Probe Experiments
K Schnorr, A Senftleben, M Kurka, A Rudenko, G Schmid, T Pfeifer, ...
Physical review letters 113 (7), 073001, 2014
Controlling Two-Electron Threshold Dynamics in Double Photoionization of Lithium<? format?> by Initial-State Preparation
G Zhu, M Schuricke, J Steinmann, J Albrecht, J Ullrich, I Ben-Itzhak, ...
Physical review letters 103 (10), 103008, 2009
The hemispherical deflector analyser revisited. I. Motion in the ideal 1/r potential, generalized entry conditions, Kepler orbits and spectrometer basic equation
TJM Zouros, EP Benis
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 125 (3), 221-248, 2002
K-shell ionization of O 4+ and C 2+ ions in fast collisions with H 2 and He gas targets
DH Lee, TJM Zouros, JM Sanders, P Richard, JM Anthony, YD Wang, ...
Physical Review A 46 (3), 1374, 1992
Selective enhancement of metastable states populated by cascades in single-electron transfer collisions of ions with He and targets
TJM Zouros, B Sulik, L Gulyas, K Tökési
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 77 (5), 050701, 2008
The hemispherical deflector analyser revisited: II. Electron-optical properties
EP Benis, TJM Zouros
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 163 (1-3), 28-39, 2008
Tracing direct and sequential two-photon double ionization of in femtosecond extreme-ultraviolet laser pulses
YH Jiang, A Rudenko, E Plésiat, L Foucar, M Kurka, KU Kühnel, T Ergler, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 81 (2), 021401, 2010
Elastic resonant and nonresonant differential scattering of quasifree electrons from and ions
EP Benis, TJM Zouros, TW Gorczyca, AD González, P Richard
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 69 (5), 052718, 2004
Improving the energy resolution of a hemispherical spectrograph using a paracentric entry at a non-zero potential
EP Benis, TJM Zouros
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2000
Electron capture and target ionization in collisions of bare projectile ions incident on helium
JL Shinpaugh, JM Sanders, JM Hall, DH Lee, H Schmidt-Böcking, ...
Physical Review A 45 (5), 2922, 1992
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Articles 1–20