Tom Bultreys
Tom Bultreys
Associate professor, Ghent University
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Cited by
Imaging and image-based fluid transport modeling at the pore scale in geological materials: A practical introduction to the current state-of-the-art
T Bultreys, W De Boever, V Cnudde
Earth-Science Reviews 155, 93–128, 2016
Multi-scale, micro-computed tomography-based pore network models to simulate drainage in heterogeneous rocks
T Bultreys, L Van Hoorebeke, V Cnudde
Advances in Water resources 78, 36-49, 2015
Fast laboratory-based micro-computed tomography for pore-scale research: Illustrative experiments and perspectives on the future
T Bultreys, MA Boone, MN Boone, T De Schryver, B Masschaele, ...
Advances in water resources 95, 341-351, 2016
Validation of model predictions of pore-scale fluid distributions during two-phase flow
T Bultreys, Q Lin, Y Gao, AQ Raeini, A AlRatrout, B Bijeljic, MJ Blunt
Physical Review E 97 (5), 053104, 2018
In situ characterization of immiscible three-phase flow at the pore scale for a water-wet carbonate rock
A Scanziani, K Singh, T Bultreys, B Bijeljic, MJ Blunt
Advances in Water Resources 121, 446-455, 2018
Relationship between wetting and capillary pressure in a crude oil/brine/rock system: From nano-scale to core-scale
M Rücker, WB Bartels, G Garfi, M Shams, T Bultreys, M Boone, S Pieterse, ...
Journal of colloid and interface science 562, 159-169, 2020
3D mapping of water in oolithic limestone at atmospheric and vacuum saturation using X-ray micro-CT differential imaging
MA Boone, T De Kock, T Bultreys, G De Schutter, P Vontobel, ...
Materials Characterization 97, 150-160, 2014
Real‐time visualization of H aines jumps in sandstone with laboratory‐based microcomputed tomography
T Bultreys, MA Boone, MN Boone, T De Schryver, B Masschaele, ...
Water Resources Research 51 (10), 8668-8676, 2015
Pore-scale visualization of hydrogen storage in a sandstone at subsurface pressure and temperature conditions: Trapping, dissolution and wettability
Z Jangda, H Menke, A Busch, S Geiger, T Bultreys, H Lewis, K Singh
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 629, 316-325, 2023
Multiscale digital rock analysis for complex rocks
LC Ruspini, PE Øren, S Berg, S Masalmeh, T Bultreys, C Taberner, ...
Transport in Porous Media 139 (2), 301-325, 2021
Investigating the relative permeability behavior of microporosity‐rich carbonates and tight sandstones with multiscale pore network models
T Bultreys, JV Stappen, TD Kock, WD Boever, MA Boone, LV Hoorebeke, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 121 (11), 7929-7945, 2016
Event-based contact angle measurements inside porous media using time-resolved micro-computed tomography
A Mascini, V Cnudde, T Bultreys
Journal of colloid and interface science 572, 354-363, 2020
Intermittent fluid connectivity during two-phase flow in a heterogeneous carbonate rock
C Spurin, T Bultreys, B Bijeljic, MJ Blunt, S Krevor
Physical Review E 100 (4), 043103, 2019
Validating the generalized pore network model using micro-CT images of two-phase flow
AQ Raeini, J Yang, I Bondino, T Bultreys, MJ Blunt, B Bijeljic
Transport in Porous Media 130 (2), 405-424, 2019
Signature of elastic turbulence of viscoelastic fluid flow in a single pore throat
EM Ekanem, S Berg, S De, A Fadili, T Bultreys, M Rücker, J Southwick, ...
Physical Review E 101 (4), 042605, 2020
Laboratory-based investigation into the fluid flow properties of natural and 3D-printed rough fractures
T Phillips, NDF Inskip, O Esegbue, G Borisochev, T Bultreys, V Cnudde, ...
1st Geoscience & Engineering in Energy Transition Conference 2020 (1), 1-5, 2020
Petrographic characterization to build an accurate rock model using micro-CT: Case study on low-permeable to tight turbidite sandstone from Eocene Shahejie Formation
MJ Munawar, C Lin, V Cnudde, T Bultreys, C Dong, X Zhang, ...
Micron 109, 22-33, 2018
Verifying pore network models of imbibition in rocks using time‐resolved synchrotron imaging
T Bultreys, K Singh, AQ Raeini, LC Ruspini, PE Øren, S Berg, M Rücker, ...
Water Resources Research 56 (6), e2019WR026587, 2020
Imaging spontaneous imbibition in full Darcy‐scale samples at pore‐scale resolution by fast X‐ray tomography
WB Bartels, M Rücker, M Boone, T Bultreys, H Mahani, S Berg, ...
Water Resources Research 55 (8), 7072-7085, 2019
In Situ Triaxial Testing To Determine Fracture Permeability and Aperture Distribution for CO2 Sequestration in Svalbard, Norway
JF Van Stappen, R Meftah, MA Boone, T Bultreys, T De Kock, BK Blykers, ...
Environmental science & technology 52 (8), 4546-4554, 2018
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Articles 1–20