Keerthi Thomas
Cited by
Cited by
Contravision: exploring users' reactions to futuristic technology
C Mancini, Y Rogers, AK Bandara, T Coe, L Jedrzejczyk, AN Joinson, ...
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2010
From spaces to places: emerging contexts in mobile privacy
C Mancini, K Thomas, Y Rogers, BA Price, L Jedrzejczyk, AK Bandara, ...
Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Ubiquitous computing, 1-10, 2009
Distilling privacy requirements for mobile applications
K Thomas, AK Bandara, BA Price, B Nuseibeh
Proceedings of the 36th international conference on software engineering …, 2014
In the best families: tracking and relationships
C Mancini, Y Rogers, K Thomas, AN Joinson, BA Price, AK Bandara, ...
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2011
Dealing with diversity in a smart-city datahub
M d'Aquin, A Adamou, E Daga, S Liu, K Thomas, E Motta
CEUR-WS. org 1280, 68-82, 2014
OUSocial2: a platform for gathering students’ feedback from social media
K Thomas, M Fernandez, S Brown, H Alani
Realizing networks of proactive smart products
M d’Aquin, E Motta, A Nikolov, K Thomas
Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management: 18th International …, 2012
Modeling and Reasoning Upon Facebook Privacy Settings.
M d'Aquin, K Thomas
ISWC (Posters & Demos), 141-144, 2013
Predators and prey: ubiquitous tracking, privacy and the social contract
C Mancini, L Jedrzejczyk, K Thomas, B Price, A Bandara, Y Rogers, ...
Department of Computing, The Open University, 2010
Consumer activity data: Usages and challenges
M d’Aquin, K Thomas
Knowledge Media Institute, Tech. Report kmi-12-03, 2012
A multi-pronged empirical approach to mobile privacy investigation
C Mancini, Y Rogers, L Jedrzejczyk, K Thomas, B Price, A Joinson, ...
Distilling Mobile Privacy Requirements from Qualitative Data
T Keerthi
PQDT-UK & Ireland, 2014
Semantic Web Technologies for Social Translucence and Privacy Mirrors on the Web.
M d'Aquin, K Thomas
PrivOn@ ISWC, 2013
On the privacy implications of releasing consumeractivity data
K Thomas, M d’Aquin
Knowledge Media Institute, Tech. Report kmi-13-02, 2013
Privacy implications of online consumer-activity data: an empirical study
K Thomas
Studying location privacy in mobile applications:'predator vs. prey'probes
K Thomas, C Mancini, L Jedrzejczyk, AK Bandara, A Joinson, BA Price, ...
ACM, 2009
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Articles 1–16