The association between preeclampsia and arterial stiffness A Hausvater, T Giannone, YHG Sandoval, RJ Doonan, CN Antonopoulos, ... Journal of hypertension 30 (1), 17-33, 2012 | 246 | 2012 |
Second asymptomatic carotid surgery trial (ACST-2): a randomised comparison of carotid artery stenting versus carotid endarterectomy A Halliday, R Bulbulia, LH Bonati, J Chester, A Cradduck-Bamford, R Peto, ... The Lancet 398 (10305), 1065-1073, 2021 | 245 | 2021 |
Obesity and risk of malignant melanoma: a meta-analysis of cohort and case–control studies TN Sergentanis, AG Antoniadis, HJ Gogas, CN Antonopoulos, HO Adami, ... European journal of cancer 49 (3), 642-657, 2013 | 203 | 2013 |
Factors predisposing to endograft limb occlusion after endovascular aortic repair GK Mantas, CN Antonopoulos, GS Sfyroeras, KG Moulakakis, JD Kakisis, ... European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 49 (1), 39-44, 2015 | 139 | 2015 |
Nasal continuous positive airway pressure (nCPAP) treatment for obstructive sleep apnea, road traffic accidents and driving simulator performance: a meta-analysis CN Antonopoulos, TN Sergentanis, SS Daskalopoulou, ET Petridou Sleep medicine reviews 15 (5), 301-310, 2011 | 135 | 2011 |
Open repair of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms in experienced centers KG Moulakakis, G Karaolanis, CN Antonopoulos, J Kakisis, C Klonaris, ... Journal of vascular surgery 68 (2), 634-645. e12, 2018 | 123 | 2018 |
Cranial nerve injury after carotid endarterectomy: incidence, risk factors, and time trends JD Kakisis, CN Antonopoulos, G Mantas, KG Moulakakis, G Sfyroeras, ... European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 53 (3), 320-335, 2017 | 108 | 2017 |
Effects of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment for obstructive sleep apnea in arterial stiffness: a meta-analysis IT Vlachantoni, E Dikaiakou, CN Antonopoulos, C Stefanadis, ... Sleep medicine reviews 17 (1), 19-28, 2013 | 103 | 2013 |
The European Society for Vascular Surgery guidelines for carotid intervention: an updated independent assessment and literature review JD Kakisis, ED Avgerinos, CN Antonopoulos, TG Giannakopoulos, ... European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 44 (3), 238-243, 2012 | 102 | 2012 |
The role of soluble P selectin in the diagnosis of venous thromboembolism CN Antonopoulos, GS Sfyroeras, JD Kakisis, KG Moulakakis, CD Liapis Thrombosis research 133 (1), 17-24, 2014 | 100 | 2014 |
Eversion versus conventional carotid endarterectomy: a meta-analysis of randomised and non-randomised studies CN Antonopoulos, JD Kakisis, TN Sergentanis, CD Liapis European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery 42 (6), 751-765, 2011 | 98 | 2011 |
Insulin resistance: an independent risk factor for lung cancer? ET Petridou, TN Sergentanis, CN Antonopoulos, N Dessypris, ... Metabolism 60 (8), 1100-1106, 2011 | 97 | 2011 |
A review of open and endovascular treatment of superior vena cava syndrome of benign aetiology GS Sfyroeras, CN Antonopoulos, G Mantas, KG Moulakakis, JD Kakisis, ... European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery 53 (2), 238-254, 2017 | 95 | 2017 |
The impact of endograft type on inflammatory response after endovascular treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm KG Moulakakis, M Alepaki, GS Sfyroeras, CN Antonopoulos, ... Journal of Vascular Surgery 57 (3), 668-677, 2013 | 90 | 2013 |
Carotid artery stenting–induced hemodynamic instability SN Mylonas, KG Moulakakis, CN Antonopoulos, JD Kakisis, CD Liapis Journal of Endovascular Therapy 20 (1), 48-60, 2013 | 88 | 2013 |
Systematic review and meta-analysis of published studies on endovascular repair of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms with the t-Branch off-the-shelf multibranched endograft N Konstantinou, CN Antonopoulos, T Jerkku, R Banafsche, T Kölbel, ... Journal of vascular surgery 72 (2), 716-725. e1, 2020 | 76 | 2020 |
Volume of new-onset thrombus is associated with the development of postimplantation syndrome after endovascular aneurysm repair JD Kakisis, KG Moulakakis, CN Antonopoulos, SN Mylonas, ... Journal of Vascular Surgery 60 (5), 1140-1145, 2014 | 68 | 2014 |
Outcome after preservation of infected abdominal aortic endografts KG Moulakakis, GS Sfyroeras, SN Mylonas, G Mantas, A Papapetrou, ... Journal of Endovascular Therapy 21 (3), 439-447, 2014 | 65 | 2014 |
Acute carotid stent thrombosis: a comprehensive review KG Moulakakis, SN Mylonas, A Lazaris, G Tsivgoulis, J Kakisis, ... Vascular and endovascular surgery 50 (7), 511-521, 2016 | 64 | 2016 |
Endovascular stent grafting for ascending aorta diseases NG Baikoussis, CN Antonopoulos, NA Papakonstantinou, M Argiriou, ... Journal of Vascular Surgery 66 (5), 1587-1601, 2017 | 63 | 2017 |