Sofia Boutsiouki
Sofia Boutsiouki
Assistant Professor, University of Macedonia
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Cited by
Dynamics and potentiality of postgraduate students regarding lifelong learning: A Greek case.
S Boutsiouki
International Education Studies 3 (1), 3-16, 2010
Is the museum going digital? Experiences from the websites of Greek museums
S Boutsiouki, AE Polydora
Cultural and Tourism Innovation in the Digital Era: Sixth International …, 2020
Policy Transformations and Institutional Interventions Regarding VET in an Employment-Oriented European Untion
S Boutsiouki
Rev. Eur. Stud. 6, 201, 2014
Business Research and Data Mining: a Bibliometric Analysis
A Bitzenis, N Koutsoupias, S Boutsiouki
2023 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications …, 2023
European Youth Guarantee: A new pathway for the transition of young people to the labour market?
S Boutsiouki
Journal of Economics and Business 20 (1), 19-40, 2017
Changing political discourses in the EU: Reinventing youth potential
S Boutsiouki
International Journal of Employment Studies 24 (2), 36-55, 2016
Digital Activities as Online Getaways to Cultural Heritage: The Paradigm of Greek Museums During the COVID-19 Era
S Boutsiouki, M Damou
International Conference of the International Association of Cultural and …, 2022
Developing Student Work Experience Programmes within the European Higher Education Area Framework: The Role of Social Partners.
D Skiadas, S Boutsiouki, V Koniaris, K Zafiropoulos, M Karatsiori
International Education Studies 14 (11), 31-42, 2021
Prioritizing youth in the National Policy Agendas: The role of the youth guarantee in three European Countries
S Boutsiouki
Consumer Behavior, Organizational Strategy and Financial Economics …, 2018
Student career counseling: A bibliometric review (1985-2022)
C Oraiopoulou, V Ioannidis, I Mavritsiou, T Bertoli, A Bitzenis, S Boutsiouki, ...
Εκπαίδευση, Δια Βίου Μάθηση, Έρευνα και Τεχνολογική Ανάπτυξη, Καινοτομία και …, 2024
Traineeships in Greek Higher Education: The State of the Art and the Way Forward
V Koniaris, M Karatsiori, A Tsalampouni, S Boutsiouki, DV Skiadas, ...
Education Quarterly Reviews 5 (4), 2022
Youth Guarantee: Context, Implementation, and Challenges
S Boutsiouki
Higher Education and Research in the European Union: Mobility Schemes …, 2022
Recognition of Skills and Qualifications in the European Union: Institutional Framework and Operational Dimensions
S Boutsiouki
Higher Education and Research in the European Union: Mobility Schemes …, 2022
Students' Perceptions of Traineeships in a Greek University: Incentives and Barriers
K Zafiropoulos, S Boutsiouki, D Skiadas, M Karatsiori, V Koniaris
Universal Journal of Educational Research 10 (12), 587-597, 2022
Exploring European Cultural Goods Trade: A Multidimensional Perspective
N Koutsoupias, S Boutsiouki
Εργαστήριο Διεθνών Σχέσεων και Ευρωπαϊκής Ολοκλήρωσης του Πανεπιστημίου …, 2018
Planning and implementing youth policies: A critical approach of the Youth Guarantee in Greece
S Boutsiouki
International Mobility Schemes in Higher Education. Options Organised by Students for Students 1
S Boutsiouki
Advances in Management and Applied Economics 6 (3), 17, 2016
Female entrepreneurship in a two-speed European Union: Please, Mind the Gap!
S Boutsiouki
ICIB 2014, 332, 2015
Youth transition to the labour market and entrepreneurial dynamics: can a spark light a fire?
S Boutsiouki
Conference proceedings of 33rd International Labour Process Conference (ILPC …, 2015
Employment-oriented transformations in Greek education and training: lighting a fire or just filling a pail?
S Boutsiouki
Conference proceedings of 32nd International Labour Process Conference (ILPC …, 2014
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Articles 1–20