Frederic Dadeau
Frederic Dadeau
Assistant professor of Computer Science, University of Franche-Comte
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Mutation-based test generation from security protocols in HLPSL
F Dadeau, PC Héam, R Kheddam
2011 Fourth IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification …, 2011
Symbolic animation of JML specifications
F Bouquet, F Dadeau, B Legeard, M Utting
International Symposium on Formal Methods, 75-90, 2005
Automated boundary test generation from JML specifications
F Bouquet, F Dadeau, B Legeard
International Symposium on Formal Methods, 428-443, 2006
Selective test generation method for evolving critical systems
E Fourneret, F Bouquet, F Dadeau, S Debricon
2011 ieee fourth international conference on software testing, verification …, 2011
JML-testing-tools: A symbolic animator for JML specifications using CLP
F Bouquet, F Dadeau, B Legeard, M Utting
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 11th …, 2005
EWET: Data collection and interface for the genetic analysis of Echinococcus multilocularis based on EmsB microsatellite
J Knapp, S Damy, J Brillaud, JD Tissot, J Navion, R Mélior, E Afonso, ...
PLoS One 12 (10), e0183849, 2017
Model‐based mutation testing from security protocols in HLPSL
F Dadeau, PC Héam, R Kheddam, G Maatoug, M Rusinowitch
Software Testing, Verification and Reliability 25 (5-7), 684-711, 2015
Mastering combinatorial explosion with the tobias-2 test generator
Y Ledru, F Dadeau, L du Bousquet, S Ville, E Rose
Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated …, 2007
Checking JML specifications with B machines
F Bouquet, F Dadeau, J Groslambert
ZB 2005: Formal Specification and Development in Z and B: 4th International …, 2005
A compositional automata-based semantics for property patterns
KC Castillos, F Dadeau, J Julliand, B Kanso, S Taha
Integrated Formal Methods: 10th International Conference, IFM 2013, Turku …, 2013
jSynoPSys–a scenario-based testing tool based on the symbolic animation of B machines
F Dadeau, R Tissot
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 253 (2), 117-132, 2009
Proving and debugging set-based specifications
JF Couchot, F Dadeau, D Déharbe, A Giorgetti, S Ranise
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 95, 189-208, 2004
Identifying and generating missing tests using machine learning on execution traces
M Utting, B Legeard, F Dadeau, F Tamagnan, F Bouquet
2020 IEEE International Conference On Artificial Intelligence Testing …, 2020
Safety property driven test generation from JML specifications
F Bouquet, F Dadeau, J Groslambert, J Julliand
International Workshop on Formal Approaches to Software Testing, 225-239, 2006
Combining scenario-and model-based testing to ensure posix compliance
F Dadeau, A De Kermadec, R Tissot
Abstract State Machines, B and Z: First International Conference, ABZ 2008 …, 2008
Efficient detection of multi-step cross-site scripting vulnerabilities
A Vernotte, F Dadeau, F Lebeau, B Legeard, F Peureux, F Piat
Information Systems Security: 10th International Conference, ICISS 2014 …, 2014
Directed random reduction of combinatorial test suites
F Dadeau, Y Ledru, L Du Bousquet
Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on Random testing: co-located …, 2007
Temporal property patterns for model-based testing from UML/OCL
F Dadeau, E Fourneret, A Bouchelaghem
Software & Systems Modeling 18, 865-888, 2019
Praspel: A specification language for contract-based testing in php
I Enderlin, F Dadeau, A Giorgetti, A Ben Othman
Testing Software and Systems: 23rd IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference …, 2011
A compositional automata-based semantics and preserving transformation rules for testing property patterns
S Taha, J Julliand, F Dadeau, KC Castillos, B Kanso
Formal Aspects of Computing 27 (4), 641-664, 2015
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Articles 1–20