Emma Rocheteau
Cited by
Cited by
Temporal pointwise convolutional networks for length of stay prediction in the intensive care unit
E Rocheteau, P Liņ, S Hyland
Proceedings of the conference on health, inference, and learning, 58-68, 2021
Predicting patient outcomes with graph representation learning
C Tong*, E Rocheteau*, P Veličković, N Lane, P Liņ
International Workshop on Health Intelligence, 281-293, 2021
Forecasting ultra-early intensive care strain from COVID-19 in England
J Deasy, E Rocheteau, K Kohler, DJ Stubbs, P Barbiero, P Liņ, A Ercole
medRxiv, 2020
On the role of artificial intelligence in psychiatry
E Rocheteau
The British Journal of Psychiatry 222 (2), 54-57, 2023
Deep Transfer Learning for Automated Diagnosis of Skin Lesions from Photographs
E Rocheteau*, D Kim*
Machine Learning for Mobile Health (ML4MH) Workshop at NeurIPS, 2020
Dynamic Outcomes-Based Clustering of Disease Trajectory in Mechanically Ventilated Patients
EC Rocheteau, I Bica, P Lio, A Ercole
NeurIPS 2022 Workshop on Learning from Time Series for Health, 2022
Representation Learning for Patients in the Intensive Care Unit
E Rocheteau
How to organise a summer research placement
E Rocheteau
BMJ: British Medical Journal 358, 2017
Machine Learning for Prediction of Childhood Mental Health Problems in Social Care
R Crowley, K Parkin, EC Rocheteau, E Massou, Y Friedmann, A John, ...
medRxiv, 2024.05. 03.24306756, 2024
A collection of the accepted abstracts for the Machine Learning for Health (ML4H) symposium 2021
F Falck, Y Zhou, E Rocheteau, L Shen, L Oala, G Abebe, S Roy, S Pfohl, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.00179, 2021
ICUnity: A software tool to harmonise the MIMIC-III and AmsterdamUMCdb databases
E Rocheteau, J Deasy, LF Roggeveen, A Ercole
Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference; Clinical Abstracts, 2020
What will British healthcare look like in 20 years’ time?
E Rocheteau
cmj, 003, 2017
Uncertainty Estimation for Sequence-to-Sequence Regression on Sparse Time Series
S Vavaroutas, T Dang, E Rocheteau, C Mascolo
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Articles 1–13