Tim Dewhirst
Tim Dewhirst
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Particle image velocimetry for predictions of acceleration fields and force within fluid flows
ML Jakobsen, TP Dewhirst, CA Greated
Measurement Science and Technology 8 (12), 1502, 1997
Particle image velocimetry in aerodynamics: Technology and applications in wind tunnels
J Kompenhans, M Raffel, L Dieterle, T Dewhirst, H Vollmers, K Ehrenfried, ...
Journal of Visualization 2 (3-4), 229-244, 2000
Background oriented schlieren (BOS) and particle image velocimetry (PIV) for transonic turbine blade investigations.
S Loose, H Richard, T Dewhirst, M Raffel
CD: 10th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to …, 2000
Investigation of wall bounded flows by means of multiple plane stereo PIV
CJ Kähler, M Stanislas, T Dewhirst
Proc 10th Int Symp Appl Laser Tech Fluid Mech, Lisbon, 2000
Instantaneous flow field measurements for propeller aircraft and rotorcraft research
M Raffel, F De Gregorio, K Pengel, CE Willert, C Kähler, T Dewhirst, ...
Laser Techniques Applied to Fluid Mechanics: Selected Papers from the 9th …, 2000
Aircraft wake vortex investigations by means of particle image velocimetry. Measurement technique and analysis methods
J Kompenhans, M Raffel, L Dieterle, H Vollmers, R Stuff, T Dewhirst, ...
Proceedings of The Third International Workshop on PIV'99-Santa Barbara, 255-260, 1999
Investigation of the spatio-temporal flow structure in the log-law region of a turbulent boundary layer by means of multi-plane stereo particle image velocimetry
RJ Adrian, DFG Durao, MV Heitor, M Maeda, C Tropea, JH Whitelaw, ...
Laser Techniques for Fluid Mechanics: Selected Papers from the 10th …, 2002
Multiple CCD camera DPIV for force and acceleration measurements in high-speed flows
TP Dewhirst, ML Jakobsen, CA Greated
Measurement of flow fields with Particle Image Velocimetry
J Kompenhans, L Dieterle, H Richard, T Dewhirst, H Vollmers, C Kähler, ...
Progress in Vehicle Aerodynamics, 131-157, 2000
Multiple CCD array digital particle image velocimetry
TP Dewhirst
KB thesis scanning project 2015, 1998
Advanced flow velocity field metrology and their application to helicopter aerodynamics
M Raffel, B Bretthauer, T Dewhirst, H Vollmers
Advanced evaluation methods in particle image velocimetry
T Dewhirst, J Kompenhans, M Raffel, O Ronneberger
Image Processing Methods in Applied Mechanics, 75-78, 1999
The measurement of acceleration fields under waves by DPIV
TP Dewhirst, ML Jakobsen, CA Greated
ISOPE International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-I-97-313, 1997
Qualitative and Quantitative Visualization of Wake Vortices in Industrial Test Facilities
J Kompenhans, L Dieterle, H Vollmers, R Stuff, G Schneider, M Raffel, ...
9th (Millennium) International Symposium on Flow Visualization, 437-1, 2000
III. 4. Instantaneous Flow Field Measurements for Propeller Aircraft and Rotorcraft Research M. Raffel', F. de Gregorio², K. Pengel³, CE Willert
C Kähler, T Dewhirst, K Ehrenfeld, J Kompenhans¹
Laser Techniques Applied to Fluid Mechanics: Selected Papers from the 9th …, 2000
Application of PIV in large wind tunnels
J Kompenhans, M Raffel, L Dieterle, T Dewhirst, H Vollmers, R Stuff, ...
Lecture series-van Kareman Institute for fluid dynamics 1, M1-M27, 2000
Application of Particle Image Velocimetry at Aerodynamic Investigations within Different European Projects
J Kompenhans, M Raffel, L Dieterle, T Dewhirst, H Vollmers
Optical measurement techniques for flow field investigations
J Kompenhans, M Raffel, L Dieterle, T Dewhirst, H Vollmers, P Baumann, ...
Advanced flow velocity field metrology and their application to
M Raffel, T Dewhirst, B Bretthauer, H Vollmers
Application of Standard and Stereoscopic Particle Image Velocimetry in cross flows in large wind tunnels
J Kompenhans, M Raffel, L Dieterle, T Dewhirst, H Vollmers, C Kähler, ...
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Articles 1–20