Delila Gasi Tandefelt
Delila Gasi Tandefelt
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Plasma AR and abiraterone-resistant prostate cancer
A Romanel, DG Tandefelt, V Conteduca, A Jayaram, N Casiraghi, ...
Science translational medicine 7 (312), 312re10-312re10, 2015
Androgen receptor gene status in plasma DNA associates with worse outcome on enzalutamide or abiraterone for castration-resistant prostate cancer: a multi-institution …
V Conteduca, D Wetterskog, MTA Sharabiani, E Grande, ...
Annals of Oncology 28 (7), 1508-1516, 2017
Serial next-generation sequencing of circulating cell-free DNA evaluating tumor clone response to molecularly targeted drug administration
JS Frenel, S Carreira, J Goodall, D Roda, R Perez-Lopez, N Tunariu, ...
Clinical Cancer Research 21 (20), 4586-4596, 2015
ETS fusion genes in prostate cancer
DG Tandefelt, J Boormans, K Hermans, J Trapman
Endocrine-related cancer 21 (3), R143-R152, 2014
Overexpression of prostate-specific TMPRSS2 (exon 0)-ERG fusion transcripts corresponds with favorable prognosis of prostate cancer
KG Hermans, JL Boormans, D Gasi, GJHL van Leenders, G Jenster, ...
Clinical Cancer Research 15 (20), 6398-6403, 2009
A 36-gene signature predicts clinical progression in a subgroup of ERG-positive prostate cancers
DG Tandefelt, JL Boormans, HA van der Korput, GW Jenster, J Trapman
European urology 64 (6), 941-950, 2013
Plasma tumour DNA as an early indicator of treatment response in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer
V Conteduca, D Wetterskog, E Scarpi, A Romanel, G Gurioli, A Jayaram, ...
British journal of cancer 123 (6), 982-987, 2020
Overexpression of Full-Length ETV1 Transcripts in Clinical Prostate Cancer Due to Gene Translocation
D Gasi, HA van der Korput, HC Douben, A de Klein, CM de Ridder, ...
PloS one 6 (1), e16332, 2011
Identification of single nucleotide variants using position-specific error estimation in deep sequencing data
D Kleftogiannis, M Punta, A Jayaram, S Sandhu, SQ Wong, ...
BMC Medical Genomics 12, 1-12, 2019
Androgen regulation of ETS gene fusion transcripts in prostate cancer
D Gasi, J Trapman
Androgen Action: Methods and Protocols, 335-348, 2011
Spanish Oncology Genitourinary Group, Demichelis F, De Giorgi U, Gonzalez-Billalabeitia E, Attard G. Androgen receptor gene status in plasma DNA associates with worse outcome …
V Conteduca, D Wetterskog, MTA Sharabiani, E Grande, ...
Ann Oncol 28 (7), 1508-1516, 2017
Plasma AR and abiraterone-resistant prostate cancer. Sci Transl Med 7: 312re10
A Romanel, D Gasi Tandefelt, V Conteduca, A Jayaram, N Casiraghi, ...
Plasma AR and abiraterone-resistant prostate cancer. Sci Transl Med. 2015; 7: 312re10
A Romanel, D Gasi Tandefelt, V Conteduca, A Jayaram, N Casiraghi, ...
The key role of patient involvement in the development of core outcome sets in prostate cancer
K Beyer, SJ MacLennan, L Moris, M Lardas, K Mastris, G Hooker, ...
European Urology Focus 7 (5), 943-946, 2021
Circulating cell-free DNA: Translating prostate cancer genomics into clinical care
DG Tandefelt, J de Bono
Molecular Aspects of Medicine 72, 100837, 2020
Re: Delila Gasi Tandefelt, Joost L. Boormans, Hetty A. van der Korput, Guido W. Jenster, Jan Trapman. A 36-gene signature predicts clinical progression in a subgroup of ERG …
N Sampson, P Berger, H Klocker
European urology 65 (6), e102-e103, 2014
Survivorship data in Prostate Cancer: Where are we and where do we need to be?
B Russell, K Beyer, A Lawlor, MJ Roobol, LDF Venderbos, S Remmers, ...
European Urology Open Science 59, 27-29, 2024
Expression and function of ETS genes in prostate cancer
DG Tandefelt
PhD dissertation, Dept. Pathology, Erasmus MC, Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam …, 2013
Plasma AR and abiraterone-resistant prostate cancer. Sci Transl Med. 2015; 7 (312): 312
A Romanel, D Gasi Tandefelt, V Conteduca, A Jayaram, N Casiraghi, ...
Association of androgen receptor (AR) status in plasma DNA with outcome on enzalutamide (enza) or abiraterone (abi) for castration resistant prostate cancer (CRPC).
V Conteduca, D Wetterskog, MTA Sharabiani, A Jayaram, S Salvi, ...
Journal of Clinical Oncology 35 (15_suppl), 5060-5060, 2017
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Articles 1–20