Yael Lubin
Yael Lubin
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Crop pests and predators exhibit inconsistent responses to surrounding landscape composition
DS Karp, R Chaplin-Kramer, TD Meehan, EA Martin, F DeClerck, H Grab, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (33), E7863-E7870, 2018
Integrating animal behavior and conservation biology: a conceptual framework
O Berger-Tal, T Polak, A Oron, Y Lubin, BP Kotler, D Saltz
Behavioral Ecology 22 (2), 236-239, 2011
The evolution of sociality in spiders
Y Lubin, T Bilde
Advances in the Study of Behavior 37, 83-145, 2007
Changes in the native fauna of the Galápagos Islands following invasion by the little red fire ant, Wasmannia auropunctata
YD Lubin
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 21 (1‐2), 229-242, 1984
Arthropods from the canopy of inundated and terra firme forests near Manaus, Brazil, with critical considerations on the pyrethrum‐fogging technique
J Adis, YD Lubin, GG Montgomery
Studies on neotropical fauna and environment 19 (4), 223-236, 1984
The functions of societies and the evolution of group living: spider societies as a test case
MEA Whitehouse, Y Lubin
Biological Reviews 80 (3), 347-361, 2005
Foraging decisions and behavioural flexibility in trap‐building predators: a review
I Scharf, Y Lubin, O Ovadia
Biological Reviews 86 (3), 626-639, 2011
Adaptive advantages and the evolution of colony formation in Cyrtophora (Araneae: Araneidae)
YD Lubin
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 54 (4), 321-339, 1974
Web relocation and habitat selection in desert widow spider
Y Lubin, S Ellner, M Kotzman
Ecology 74 (7), 1915-1928, 1993
Web buiding and prey capture in the Uloboridae
YD Lubin
Spiders: webs, behavior, and evolution., 132-171, 1986
Woody species as landscape modulators and their effect on biodiversity patterns
M Shachak, B Boeken, E Groner, R Kadmon, Y Lubin, E Meron, ...
Bioscience 58 (3), 209-221, 2008
Survival benefits select for group living in a social spider despite reproductive costs
T Bilde, KS Coates, K Birkhofer, T Bird, AA Maklakov, Y Lubin, L Aviles
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 20 (6), 2412-2426, 2007
Intersexual conflict in spiders
JM Schneider, Y Lubin
Oikos, 496-506, 1998
Seasonal abundance and diversity of web-building spiders in relation to habitat structure on Barro Colorado Island, Panama
YD Lubin
Journal of Arachnology, 31-51, 1978
Cursorial spiders retard initial aphid population growth at low densities in winter wheat
K Birkhofer, E Gavish-Regev, K Endlweber, YD Lubin, K Von Berg, ...
Bulletin of entomological research 98 (3), 249-255, 2008
Habitat selection and the life history of a desert spider, Stegodyphus lineatus (Eresidae)
D Ward, Y Lubin
Journal of Animal Ecology, 353-363, 1993
The transition to social inbred mating systems in spiders: role of inbreeding tolerance in a subsocial predecessor
T Bilde, Y Lubin, D Smith, JM Schneider, AA Maklakov
Evolution 59 (1), 160-174, 2005
Kin recognition and cannibalism in a subsocial spider
T Bilde, Y Lubin
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 14 (6), 959-966, 2001
Web structure and function: the non-adhesiv orb-web of Cyrtophora moluccensis (DOLESCHALL)(Araneae: Araneidae).
YD Lubin
Forma Functio 6, 337-358, 1973
How oniscophagous spiders overcome woodlouse armour
M Řezáč, S Pekár, Y Lubin
Journal of Zoology 275 (1), 64-71, 2008
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