David McCloskey
David McCloskey
Trinity Colelge Dublin
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Edge and confinement effects allow in situ measurement of size and thickness of liquid-exfoliated nanosheets
C Backes, RJ Smith, N McEvoy, NC Berner, D McCloskey, HC Nerl, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 4576, 2014
Plasmon-assisted optofluidics
JS Donner, G Baffou, D McCloskey, R Quidant
Acs nano 5 (7), 5457-5462, 2011
Inkjet deposition of liquid-exfoliated graphene and MoS 2 nanosheets for printed device applications
DJ Finn, M Lotya, G Cunningham, RJ Smith, D McCloskey, JF Donegan, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2 (5), 925-932, 2014
Spectroscopic metrics allow in situ measurement of mean size and thickness of liquid-exfoliated few-layer graphene nanosheets
C Backes, KR Paton, D Hanlon, S Yuan, MI Katsnelson, J Houston, ...
Nanoscale 8 (7), 4311-4323, 2016
Preparation of gallium sulfide nanosheets by liquid exfoliation and their application as hydrogen evolution catalysts
A Harvey, C Backes, Z Gholamvand, D Hanlon, D McAteer, HC Nerl, ...
Chemistry of Materials 27 (9), 3483-3493, 2015
Photoconductivity of solution-processed MoS 2 films
G Cunningham, U Khan, C Backes, D Hanlon, D McCloskey, JF Donegan, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 1 (41), 6899-6904, 2013
Low divergence photonic nanojets from Si 3 N 4 microdisks
JFD D McCloskey, Jing Jing Wang
Optics Express 20 (1), 6930-6940, 2012
Transparent, flexible silicon nanostructured wire networks with seamless junctions for high-performance photodetector applications
M Hossain, GS Kumar, SN Barimar Prabhava, ED Sheerin, D McCloskey, ...
ACS nano 12 (5), 4727-4735, 2018
Optical imaging and characterization of graphene and other 2D materials using quantitative phase microscopy
S Khadir, P Bon, D Vignaud, E Galopin, N McEvoy, D McCloskey, ...
ACS photonics 4 (12), 3130-3139, 2017
Quantitative study of the photothermal properties of metallic nanowire networks
AP Bell, JA Fairfield, EK McCarthy, S Mills, JJ Boland, G Baffou, ...
ACS nano 9 (5), 5551-5558, 2015
Associative enhancement of time correlated response to heterogeneous stimuli in a neuromorphic nanowire device
CJ O'Kelly, JA Fairfield, D McCloskey, HG Manning, JF Donegan, ...
Advanced Electronic Materials 2 (6), 1500458, 2016
Electrodeposited thin-film micro-thermoelectric coolers with extreme heat flux handling and microsecond time response
S Corbett, D Gautam, S Lal, K Yu, N Balla, G Cunningham, KM Razeeb, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13 (1), 1773-1782, 2021
Effects of Excitonic Resonance on Second and Third Order Nonlinear Scattering from Few-Layer MoS2
NK Balla, M O’brien, N McEvoy, GS Duesberg, H Rigneault, S Brasselet, ...
ACS photonics 5 (4), 1235-1240, 2018
Helium ion microscope generated nitrogen-vacancy centres in type Ib diamond
D McCloskey, D Fox, N O'Hara, V Usov, D Scanlan, N McEvoy, ...
Applied Physics Letters 104 (3), 2014
Controllable growth of metallic nano-helices at room temperature conditions
JM Caridad, D McCloskey, JF Donegan, V Krstić
Applied Physics Letters 105 (23), 2014
Dependence of Photocurrent Enhancements in Quantum Dot (QD)‐Sensitized MoS2 Devices on MoS2 Film Properties
JJ Gough, N McEvoy, M O'Brien, AP Bell, D McCloskey, JB Boland, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 28 (13), 1706149, 2018
Effective wavelength scaling of and damping in plasmonic helical antennae
JM Caridad, D McCloskey, F Rossella, V Bellani, JF Donegan, V Krstic
Acs Photonics 2 (6), 675-679, 2015
Less is more: Improved thermal stability and plasmonic response in Au films via the use of subnanometer Ti adhesion layers
WM Abbott, CP Murray, C Zhong, C Smith, C McGuinness, E Rezvani, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 11 (7), 7607-7614, 2019
Solid state dewetting of thin plasmonic films under focused cw-laser irradiation
WM Abbott, S Corbett, G Cunningham, A Petford-Long, S Zhang, ...
Acta Materialia 145, 210-219, 2018
Synthesis and characterisation of thin-film platinum disulfide and platinum sulfide
CP Cullen, CÓ Coileáin, JB McManus, O Hartwig, D McCloskey, ...
Nanoscale 13 (15), 7403-7411, 2021
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Articles 1–20