Ian Langmore
Cited by
Cited by
Tensorflow distributions
JV Dillon, I Langmore, D Tran, E Brevdo, S Vasudevan, D Moore, B Patton, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.10604, 2017
Neutra-lizing bad geometry in hamiltonian monte carlo using neural transport
M Hoffman, P Sountsov, JV Dillon, I Langmore, D Tran, S Vasudevan
arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.03704, 2019
Memory effect evaluation and predistortion of power amplifiers
P Draxler, J Deng, D Kimball, I Langmore, PM Asbeck
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, 2005., 1549-1552, 2005
WeatherBench 2: A benchmark for the next generation of data‐driven global weather models
S Rasp, S Hoyer, A Merose, I Langmore, P Battaglia, T Russell, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 16 (6), e2023MS004019, 2024
Neural general circulation models for weather and climate
D Kochkov, J Yuval, I Langmore, P Norgaard, J Smith, G Mooers, ...
Nature 632 (8027), 1060-1066, 2024
Overview of C-2W: high temperature, steady-state beam-driven field-reversed configuration plasmas
H Gota, MW Binderbauer, T Tajima, A Smirnov, S Putvinski, M Tuszewski, ...
Nuclear Fusion 61 (10), 106039, 2021
Inverse transport with isotropic sources and angularly averaged measurements
G Bal, I Langmore, F Monard
Inverse Probl. Imaging 2 (1), 23-42, 2008
Spread spectrum communication system with chaotic frequency modulation
AR Volkovskii, LS Tsimring, NF Rulkov, I Langmore
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 15 (3), 2005
Neural general circulation models
D Kochkov, J Yuval, I Langmore, P Norgaard, J Smith, G Mooers, J Lottes, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.07222, 2023
Time domain characterization of power amplifiers with memory effects
P Draxler, I Langmore, TP Hung, PM Asbeck
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, 2003 2, 803-806, 2003
tfp. mcmc: Modern Markov chain Monte Carlo tools built for modern hardware
J Lao, C Suter, I Langmore, C Chimisov, A Saxena, P Sountsov, D Moore, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.01184, 2020
Tensorflow distributions. arXiv 2017
JV Dillon, I Langmore, D Tran, E Brevdo, S Vasudevan, D Moore, B Patton, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.10604, 0
Bayesian inverse problems with Monte Carlo forward models
Y Marzouk, I Langmore, G Bal
American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS), 2013
The stationary transport problem with angularly averaged measurements
I Langmore
Inverse problems 24 (1), 015024, 2008
A hybrid (Monte Carlo/deterministic) approach for multi-dimensional radiation transport
G Bal, AB Davis, I Langmore
Journal of Computational Physics 230 (20), 7723-7735, 2011
Multipixel retrieval of structural and optical parameters in a 2-D scene with a path-recycling Monte Carlo forward model and a new Bayesian inference engine
I Langmore, AB Davis, G Bal
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 51 (5), 2903-2919, 2012
Optical tomography for variable refractive index with angularly averaged measurements
I Langmore, S McDowall
Communications in Partial Differential Equations 33 (12), 2180-2207, 2008
The stationary transport equation with angularly averaged measurements
I Langmore
Inverse Problems 24 (015024), 23, 2008
A scalable system to measure contrail formation on a per-flight basis
S Geraedts, E Brand, TR Dean, S Eastham, C Elkin, Z Engberg, U Hager, ...
Environmental Research Communications 6 (1), 015008, 2024
Angular average of time-harmonic transport solutions
G Bal, A Jollivet, I Langmore, F Monard
Communications in Partial Differential Equations 36 (6), 1044-1070, 2011
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Articles 1–20