Migdalas, Athanasios (Sakis)
Migdalas, Athanasios (Sakis)
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Multilevel optimization: algorithms and applications
A Migdalas, PM Pardalos, P Värbrand
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Pareto optimality, game theory and equilibria
A Chinchuluun, A Migdalas, PM Pardalos, L Pitsoulis
Springer 17, xxii+ 865, 2008
Bilevel programming in traffic planning: Models, methods and challenge
A Migdalas
Journal of global optimization 7, 381-405, 1995
The impact of e‐commerce on agro‐food marketing: The case of agricultural cooperatives, firms and consumers in Crete
G Baourakis, M Kourgiantakis, A Migdalas
British food journal 104 (8), 580-590, 2002
A multi-adaptive particle swarm optimization for the vehicle routing problem with time windows
Y Marinakis, M Marinaki, A Migdalas
Information Sciences 481, 311-329, 2019
A hybrid particle swarm optimization–variable neighborhood search algorithm for constrained shortest path problems
Y Marinakis, A Migdalas, A Sifaleras
European Journal of Operational Research 261 (3), 819-834, 2017
Pareto optimality, game theory and equilibria
PM Pardalos, A Migdalas, L Pitsoulis
Springer Science & Business Media, 2008
A global optimization approach for the linear two-level program
H Tuy, A Migdalas, P Värbrand
Journal of Global Optimization 3, 1-23, 1993
Expanding neighborhood GRASP for the traveling salesman problem
Y Marinakis, A Migdalas, PM Pardalos
Computational Optimization and Applications 32, 231-257, 2005
A new bilevel formulation for the vehicle routing problem and a solution method using a genetic algorithm
Y Marinakis, A Migdalas, PM Pardalos
Journal of Global Optimization 38, 555-580, 2007
Parallel computing in optimization
A Migdalas, PM Pardalos, S Storøy
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
A strongly polynomial algorithm for a concave production-transportation problem with a fixed number of nonlinear variables
H Tuy, S Ghannadan, A Migdalas, P Värbrand
Mathematical Programming 72, 229-258, 1996
Annotated bibliography in vehicle routing
Y Marinakis, A Migdalas
Operational Research 7, 27-46, 2007
A novel approach to bilevel nonlinear programming
H Tuy, A Migdalas, NT Hoai-Phuong
Journal of Global Optimization 38, 527-554, 2007
A hybrid genetic—GRASP algorithm using Lagrangean relaxation for the traveling salesman problem
Y Marinakis, A Migdalas, PM Pardalos
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 10, 311-326, 2005
Nonlinear optimization and parallel computing
A Migdalas, G Toraldo, V Kumar
Parallel Computing 29 (4), 375-391, 2003
A Lagrangean heuristic for the capacitated concave minimum cost network flow problem
T Larsson, A Migdalas, M Rönnqvist
European journal of operational research 78 (1), 116-129, 1994
Serial-batching scheduling with time-dependent setup time and effects of deterioration and learning on a single-machine
J Pei, X Liu, PM Pardalos, A Migdalas, S Yang
Journal of Global Optimization 67, 251-262, 2017
Hierarchical and bilevel programming
A Migdalas, PM Pardalos
Journal of Global Optimization 8, 209-215, 1996
A quasiconcave minimization method for solving linear two-level programs
H Tuy, A Migdalas, P Värbrand
Journal of Global Optimization 4, 243-263, 1994
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Articles 1–20