Uffe Thomas Jankvist
Uffe Thomas Jankvist
Professor of Mathematics Education, Aarhus University
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Cited by
A categorization of the “whys” and “hows” of using history in mathematics education
UT Jankvist
Educational studies in Mathematics 71, 235-261, 2009
Towards a definition of “mathematical digital competency”
E Geraniou, UT Jankvist
Educational Studies in Mathematics 102 (1), 29-45, 2019
New avenues for history in mathematics education: Mathematical competencies and anchoring
UT Jankvist, TH Kjeldsen
Science & education 20, 831-862, 2011
An empirical study of using history as a ‘goal’
UT Jankvist
Educational studies in mathematics 74 (1), 53-74, 2010
Upper secondary school students' difficulties with mathematical modelling
UT Jankvist, M Niss
International Journal of mathematical education in science and technology 51 …, 2020
Using history as a'goal'in mathematics education
UT Jankvist
Roskilde Universitet, 2009
On empirical research in the field of using history in mathematics education
UT Jankvist
Revista latinoamericana de investigación en matemática educativa 12 (1), 67-101, 2009
How mathematical knowledge for teaching may profit from the study of history of mathematics
R Mosvold, A Jakobsen, UT Jankvist
Science & education 23, 47-60, 2014
Counteracting destructive student misconceptions of mathematics
UT Jankvist, M Niss
Education Sciences 8 (2), 53, 2018
Teachers’ beliefs about the discipline of mathematics and the use of technology in the classroom
M Misfeldt, UT Jankvist, MS Aguilar
International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education 11 (2), 395-419, 2016
On the use of primary sources in the teaching and learning of mathematics
UT Jankvist
International handbook of research in history, philosophy and science …, 2013
A framework for designing a research-based “maths counsellor” teacher programme
UT Jankvist, M Niss
Educational Studies in Mathematics 90, 259-284, 2015
History, applications, and philosophy in mathematics education: HAPh—A use of primary sources
UT Jankvist
Science & Education 22 (3), 635-656, 2013
Changing students’ images of “mathematics as a discipline”
UT Jankvist
The Journal of Mathematical Behavior 38, 41-56, 2015
What happens when CAS procedures are objectified?—the case of “solve” and “desolve”
UT Jankvist, M Misfeldt, MS Aguilar
Educational Studies in Mathematics 101, 67-81, 2019
CAS-induced difficulties in learning mathematics?
UT Jankvist, M Misfeldt
For the Learning of Mathematics 35 (1), 15-20, 2015
Anchoring students' metaperspective discussions of history in mathematics
UT Jankvist
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 42 (4), 346-385, 2011
Developing mathematical knowledge for teaching teachers: Potentials of history of mathematics in teacher educator training
UT Jankvist, KM Clark, R Mosvold
Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 23 (3), 311-332, 2020
Launching implementation and replication studies in mathematics education (IRME)
UT Jankvist, MS Aguilar, M Misfeldt, B Koichu
Implementation and Replication Studies in Mathematics Education 1 (1), 1-19, 2021
Mathematical representation competency in relation to use of digital technology and task design—a literature review
MK Pedersen, CC Bach, RM Gregersen, IH Hĝjsted, UT Jankvist
Mathematics 9 (4), 444, 2021
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Articles 1–20