Christopher H Pentland
Christopher H Pentland
Reservoir Engineer
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Cited by
Pore-scale imaging and modelling
MJ Blunt, B Bijeljic, H Dong, O Gharbi, S Iglauer, P Mostaghimi, ...
Advances in Water resources 51, 197-216, 2013
CO2 wettability of seal and reservoir rocks and the implications for carbon geo‐sequestration
S Iglauer, CH Pentland, A Busch
Water Resources Research 51 (1), 729-774, 2015
Capillary trapping for geologic carbon dioxide storage–From pore scale physics to field scale implications
S Krevor, MJ Blunt, SM Benson, CH Pentland, C Reynolds, A Al-Menhali, ...
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 40, 221-237, 2015
Residual CO2 imaged with X‐ray micro‐tomography
S Iglauer, A Paluszny, CH Pentland, MJ Blunt
Geophysical Research Letters 38 (21), 2011
Measurements of the capillary trapping of super‐critical carbon dioxide in Berea sandstone
CH Pentland, R El‐Maghraby, S Iglauer, MJ Blunt
Geophysical Research Letters 38 (6), 2011
Measurement of nonwetting-phase trapping in sandpacks
CH Pentland, E Itsekiri, SK Al Mansoori, S Iglauer, B Bijeljic, MJ Blunt
Spe Journal 15 (02), 274-281, 2010
Capillary-trapping capacity of sandstones and sandpacks
S Iglauer, W Wülling, CH Pentland, SK Al-Mansoori, MJ Blunt
Spe Journal 16 (04), 778-783, 2011
Measurements of non-wetting phase trapping applied to carbon dioxide storage
S Al Mansoori, S Iglauer, CH Pentland, B Bijeljic, MJ Blunt
Energy Procedia 1 (1), 3173-3180, 2009
Immiscible displacements and capillary trapping in CO2 storage
CH Pentland, R El-Maghraby, A Georgiadis, S Iglauer, MJ Blunt
Energy Procedia 4, 4969-4976, 2011
A fast method to equilibrate carbon dioxide with brine at high pressure and elevated temperature including solubility measurements
RM El-Maghraby, CH Pentland, S Iglauer, MJ Blunt
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 62, 55-59, 2012
CO2–brine displacement in heterogeneous carbonates
H Ott, CH Pentland, S Oedai
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 33, 135-144, 2015
The influence of pore space geometry on the entrapment of carbon dioxide by capillary forces
CH Pentland, S Iglauer, O Gharbi, K Okada, T Suekane
SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, SPE-158516-MS, 2012
Measurements of non-wetting phase trapping in porous media
CH Pentland
Imperial College London, 2011
Capillary trapping capacity of rocks and sandpacks
S iglauer, W Wülling, CH Pentland, SK Al Mansoori, MJ Blunt
SPE Europec featured at EAGE Conference and Exhibition?, SPE-120960-MS, 2009
Capillary trapping in water-wet sandstones: coreflooding experiments and pore-network modeling
CH Pentland, Y Tanino, S Iglauer, MJ Blunt
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, SPE-133798-MS, 2010
Nonwetting phase residual saturation in sand packs
P Gittins, S Iglauer, CH Pentland, S Al-Mansoori, S Al-Sayari, B Bijeljic, ...
Journal of Porous Media 13 (7), 2010
Capillary trapping in carbonate rocks
C Lamy, S Iglauer, CH Pentland, MJ Blunt, G Maitland
SPE Europec featured at EAGE Conference and Exhibition?, SPE-130720-MS, 2010
Three-phase measurements of oil and gas trapping in sand packs
SK Al Mansoori, S Iglauer, CH Pentland, MJ Blunt
Advances in Water Resources 32 (10), 1535-1542, 2009
An experimental study of three-phase trapping in sand packs
B Amaechi, S Iglauer, CH Pentland, B Bijeljic, MJ Blunt
Transport in porous media 103, 421-436, 2014
Estimation of curvature from micro-CT liquid-liquid displacement studies with pore scale resolution
RT Armstrong, CH Pentland, S Berg, J Hummel, D Lichau, L Bernard
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts SCA2012-55 6, 2012
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Articles 1–20