Petros Zerfos
Petros Zerfos
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
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Cited by
Providing robust and ubiquitous security support for mobile ad hoc networks
J Kong, P Zerfos, H Luo, S Lu, L Zhang
Proceeding of The 9th International Conference on Network Protocols, 2001
The impact of multihop wireless channel on TCP throughput and loss
Z Fu, P Zerfos, H Luo, S Lu, L Zhang, M Gerla
IEEE INFOCOM 2003. Twenty-second Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE …, 2003
Self-securing ad hoc wireless networks.
H Luo, P Zerfos, J Kong, S Lu, L Zhang
ISCC 2, 548-555, 2002
URSA: ubiquitous and robust access control for mobile ad hoc networks
H Luo, J Kong, P Zerfos, S Lu, L Zhang
IEEE/ACM transactions on networking 12 (6), 1049-1063, 2004
Application-aware virtual machine migration in data centers
V Shrivastava, P Zerfos, KW Lee, H Jamjoom, YH Liu, S Banerjee
2011 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 66-70, 2011
Downloading textual hidden web content through keyword queries
A Ntoulas, P Zerfos, J Cho
Proceedings of the 5th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries …, 2005
The impact of multihop wireless channel on TCP performance
Z Fu, H Luo, P Zerfos, S Lu, L Zhang, M Gerla
IEEE transactions on Mobile computing 4 (2), 209-221, 2005
Method and system for distributed, localized authentication in the framework of 802.11
P Zerfos, JP Singh, M Solarski, P Vidales, N Thompson, H Luo
US Patent 8,307,414, 2012
Forecasting based service for virtual machine reassignment in computing environment
T He, K Lee, P Zerfos
US Patent 8,601,483, 2013
Network-aware virtual machine migration in datacenters
H Jamjoom, K Lee, VV Shrivastava, P Zerfos
US Patent 8,423,646, 2013
Providing a sensor composite service based on operational and spatial constraints
C Bisdikian, CR Gibson, DP Harries, SY Shah, P Zerfos
US Patent 9,654,570, 2017
Architecture taxonomy for control and provisioning of wireless access points (capwap)
L Yang, P Zerfos, E Sadot
A study of the short message service of a nationwide cellular network
P Zerfos, X Meng, SHY Wong, V Samanta, S Lu
Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement, 263-268, 2006
Analysis of the reliability of a nationwide short message service
X Meng, P Zerfos, V Samanta, SHY Wong, S Lu
IEEE INFOCOM 2007-26th IEEE International Conference on Computer …, 2007
Design and implementation of cross-domain cooperative firewall
J Cheng, H Yang, SHY Wong, P Zerfos, S Lu
2007 IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols, 284-293, 2007
Predictive placement of content through network analysis
D Agrawal, J Lobo, V Pappas, P Zerfos
US Patent 9,037,700, 2015
Robust dynamic service composition in sensor networks
SC Geyik, BK Szymanski, P Zerfos
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 6 (4), 560-572, 2012
AutoAI-TS: AutoAI for time series forecasting
SY Shah, D Patel, L Vu, XH Dang, B Chen, P Kirchner, H Samulowitz, ...
Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Management of Data, 2584 …, 2021
Dirac: a software-based wireless router system
P Zerfos, G Zhong, J Cheng, H Luo, S Lu, JJR Li
Proceedings of the 9th annual international conference on Mobile computing …, 2003
Method and apparatus for retrieving and indexing hidden pages
A Ntoulas, J Cho, P Zerfos
US Patent 7,685,112, 2010
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Articles 1–20