Nicolas Viennot
Nicolas Viennot
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A measurement study of google play
N Viennot, E Garcia, J Nieh
The 2014 ACM international conference on Measurement and modeling of …, 2014
Assure: automatic software self-healing using rescue points
S Sidiroglou, O Laadan, C Perez, N Viennot, J Nieh, AD Keromytis
ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 37 (1), 37-48, 2009
Transparent, lightweight application execution replay on commodity multiprocessor operating systems
O Laadan, N Viennot, J Nieh
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMETRICS international conference on Measurement …, 2010
Systems and methods for recording and replaying application execution
J Nieh, N Viennot, O Laadan
US Patent 8,402,318, 2013
Synapse: a microservices architecture for heterogeneous-database web applications
N Viennot, M Lécuyer, J Bell, R Geambasu, J Nieh
Proceedings of the tenth european conference on computer systems, 1-16, 2015
Transparent mutable replay for multicore debugging and patch validation
N Viennot, S Nair, J Nieh
ACM SIGARCH computer architecture news 41 (1), 127-138, 2013
Teaching operating systems using virtual appliances and distributed version control
O Laadan, J Nieh, N Viennot
Proceedings of the 41st ACM technical symposium on Computer science …, 2010
Pervasive detection of process races in deployed systems
O Laadan, N Viennot, CC Tsai, C Blinn, J Yang, J Nieh
Proceedings of the Twenty-Third ACM Symposium on Operating Systems …, 2011
Cider: Native execution of ios apps on android
J Andrus, A Van't Hof, N AlDuaij, C Dall, N Viennot, J Nieh
ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 42 (1), 367-382, 2014
Structured linux kernel projects for teaching operating systems concepts
O Laadan, J Nieh, N Viennot
Proceedings of the 42nd ACM technical symposium on Computer science …, 2011
Methods, systems, and media for binary compatibility
J Andrus, A Van't Hof, N AlDuaij, C Dall, N Viennot, J Nieh
US Patent App. 14/785,614, 2016
Finding Concurrency Errors in Sequential {Code—OS-level}, In-vivo Model Checking of Process Races
O Laadan, CC Tsai, N Viennot, C Blinn, PS Du, J Nieh
13th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS XIII), 2011
Path-tree optimization in discrete partially observable environments using rapidly-exploring belief-space graphs
C Phiquepal, A Orthey, N Viennot, M Toussaint
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7 (4), 10160-10167, 2022
Path-Tree Optimization in Partially Observable Environments using Rapidly-Exploring Belief-Space Graphs.
C Phiquepal, A Orthey, N Viennot, M Toussaint
CoRR, 2022
Deterministic, Mutable, and Distributed Record-Replay for Operating Systems and Database Systems
N Viennot
Columbia University, 2017
A Microservices Architecture for Heterogeneous-Database Web Application
N Viennot
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Articles 1–16