Alain Rakotomamonjy
Alain Rakotomamonjy
Criteo AI Lab
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Cited by
A review of classification algorithms for EEG-based brain–computer interfaces: a 10 year update
F Lotte, L Bougrain, A Cichocki, M Clerc, M Congedo, A Rakotomamonjy, ...
Journal of neural engineering 15 (3), 031005, 2018
A Rakotomamonjy, FR Bach, S Canu, Y Grandvalet
Journal of Machine Learning Research 9 (83), 2491-2521, 2008
Optimal transport for domain adaptation
N Courty, R Flamary, D Tuia, A Rakotomamonjy
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 39 (9), 1853-1865, 2016
Pot: Python optimal transport
R Flamary, N Courty, A Gramfort, MZ Alaya, A Boisbunon, S Chambon, ...
Journal of Machine Learning Research 22 (78), 1-8, 2021
Variable selection using SVM-based criteria
A Rakotomamonjy
Journal of machine learning research 3 (Mar), 1357-1370, 2003
BCI competition III: Dataset II-ensemble of SVMs for BCI P300 speller
A Rakotomamonjy, V Guigue
Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on 55 (3), 1147-1154, 2008
Joint Distribution Optimal Transportation for Domain Adaptation
N Courty, R Flamary, A Habrard, A Rakotomamonjy
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2017
Svm and kernel methods matlab toolbox
S Canu, Y Grandvalet, V Guigue, A Rakotomamonjy
Perception Systmes et Information, INSA de Rouen, Rouen, France 2, 2005
Pedestrian detection using infrared images and histograms of oriented gradients
F Suard, A Rakotomamonjy, A Bensrhair, A Broggi
Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 2006 IEEE, 206-212, 2006
More efficiency in multiple kernel learning
A Rakotomamonjy, F Bach, S Canu, Y Grandvalet
Proceedings of the 24th international conference on Machine learning, 775-782, 2007
Recovering sparse signals with a certain family of nonconvex penalties and DC programming
G Gasso, A Rakotomamonjy, S Canu
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 57 (12), 4686-4698, 2009
Histogram of gradients of time–frequency representations for audio scene classification
A Rakotomamonjy, G Gasso
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 23 (1), 142-153, 2014
Optimizing AUC with support vector machine (SVM)
A Rakotomamonjy
Proceedings of European Conference on Artificial Intelligence Workshop on …, 2004
Support vector machines with a reject option
Y Grandvalet, A Rakotomamonjy, J Keshet, S Canu
Advances in neural information processing systems 21, 2008
Surveying and comparing simultaneous sparse approximation (or group-lasso) algorithms
A Rakotomamonjy
Signal processing 91 (7), 1505-1526, 2011
A pedestrian detector using histograms of oriented gradients and a support vector machine classifier
M Bertozzi, A Broggi, M Del Rose, M Felisa, A Rakotomamonjy, F Suard
Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, 2007. ITSC 2007. IEEE, 143-148, 2007
Ensemble of SVMs for improving brain computer interface P300 speller performances
A Rakotomamonjy, V Guigue, G Mallet, V Alvarado
Artificial Neural Networks: Biological Inspirations–ICANN 2005, 45-50, 2005
Composite kernel learning
M Szafranski, Y Grandvalet, A Rakotomamonjy
Proceedings of the 25th international conference on Machine learning, 1040-1047, 2008
Operator-valued kernels for learning from functional response data
H Kadri, E Duflos, P Preux, S Canu, A Rakotomamonjy, J Audiffren
Journal of Machine Learning Research 17 (20), 1-54, 2016
Wasserstein discriminant analysis
R Flamary, M Cuturi, N Courty, A Rakotomamonjy
Machine Learning 107, 1923-1945, 2018
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Articles 1–20