Jian Sheng
Jian Sheng
Texas A&M University
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Cited by
Digital holographic microscope for measuring three-dimensional particle distributions and motions
J Sheng, E Malkiel, J Katz
Applied optics 45 (16), 3893-3901, 2006
Applications of holography in fluid mechanics and particle dynamics
J Katz, J Sheng
Annual review of fluid mechanics 42 (1), 531-555, 2010
A large eddy PIV method for turbulence dissipation rate estimation
J Sheng, H Meng, RO Fox
Chemical engineering science 55 (20), 4423-4434, 2000
Failed Escape: Solid Surfaces Prevent Tumbling of Escherichia coli
M Molaei, M Barry, R Stocker, J Sheng
Physical review letters 113 (6), 068103, 2014
Karlodinium veneficum—The little dinoflagellate with a big bite
AR Place, HA Bowers, TR Bachvaroff, JE Adolf, JR Deeds, J Sheng
Harmful Algae 14, 179-195, 2012
Digital holographic microscopy reveals prey-induced changes in swimming behavior of predatory dinoflagellates
J Sheng, E Malkiel, J Katz, J Adolf, R Belas, AR Place
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (44), 17512-17517, 2007
Using digital holographic microscopy for simultaneous measurements of 3D near wall velocity and wall shear stress in a turbulent boundary layer
J Sheng, E Malkiel, J Katz
Experiments in fluids 45, 1023-1035, 2008
The three-dimensional flow field generated by a feeding calanoid copepod measured using digital holography
E Malkiel, J Sheng, J Katz, JR Strickler
Journal of Experimental biology 206 (20), 3657-3666, 2003
A dinoflagellate exploits toxins to immobilize prey prior to ingestion
J Sheng, E Malkiel, J Katz, JE Adolf, AR Place
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (5), 2082-2087, 2010
Single beam two-views holographic particle image velocimetry
J Sheng, E Malkiel, J Katz
Applied optics 42 (2), 235-250, 2003
Validation of CFD simulations of a stirred tank using particle image velocimetry data
J Sheng, H Meng, RO Fox
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 76 (3), 611-625, 1998
Imaging bacterial 3D motion using digital in-line holographic microscopy and correlation-based de-noising algorithm
M Molaei, J Sheng
Optics express 22 (26), 32119-32137, 2014
Buffer layer structures associated with extreme wall stress events in a smooth wall turbulent boundary layer
J Sheng, E Malkiel, J Katz
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 633, 17-60, 2009
Dynamics of hairpin vortices generated by a mixing tab in a channel flow
W Yang, H Meng, J Sheng
Experiments in Fluids 30 (6), 705-722, 2001
Development of a free-drifting submersible digital holographic imaging system
DW Pfitsch, E Malkiel, Y Ronzhes, SR King, J Sheng, J Katz
Proceedings of OCEANS 2005 MTS/IEEE, 690-696, 2005
Holographic microscopy and microfluidics platform for measuring wall stress and 3D flow over surfaces textured by micro-pillars
H Bocanegra Evans, S Gorumlu, B Aksak, L Castillo, J Sheng
Scientific Reports 6, 28753, 2016
Microalga propels along vorticity direction in a shear flow
A Chengala, M Hondzo, J Sheng
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 87 (5 …, 2013
Testing an iron oxide nanoparticle-based method for magnetic separation of nanoplastics and microplastics from water
LMA Martin, J Sheng, PV Zimba, L Zhu, OO Fadare, C Haley, M Wang, ...
Nanomaterials 12 (14), 2348, 2022
A genetic algorithm particle pairing technique for 3D velocity field extraction in holographic particle image velocimetry
J Sheng, H Meng
Experiments in Fluids 25, 461-473, 1998
Morphology of seahorse head hydrodynamically aids in capture of evasive prey
BJ Gemmell, J Sheng, EJ Buskey
Nature communications 4 (1), 2840, 2013
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Articles 1–20