Paolo Sckokai
Paolo Sckokai
Universitą Cattolica
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Modeling the reforms of the common agricultural policy for arable crops under uncertainty
P Sckokai, D Moro
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 88 (1), 43-56, 2006
Modelling the impact of the CAP Single Farm Payment on farm investment and output
P Sckokai, D Moro
European Review of Agricultural Economics 36 (3), 395-423, 2009
Heterogeneous preferences in household food consumption in Italy
D Moro, P Sckokai
European Review of Agricultural Economics 27 (3), 305-323, 2000
Modelling the CAP arable crop regime in Italy: degree of decoupling and impact of Agenda 2000
D Moro, P Sckokai
Cahiers d'Economie et de Sociologie Rurales 53, 49-73, 1999
The impact of decoupled payments on farm choices: Conceptual and methodological challenges
D Moro, P Sckokai
Food Policy 41, 28-38, 2013
The impact of agri-environmental schemes on farm performance in five EU member states: a DID-matching approach
L Arata, P Sckokai
Land Economics 92 (1), 167-186, 2016
Consumer interest in specialty beers in three European markets
G Donadini, MD Fumi, E Kordialik-Bogacka, L Maggi, M Lambri, ...
Food Research International 85, 301-314, 2016
Economic and environmental impacts of milk quota reform in Europe
M Kempen, P Witzke, IP Domķnguez, T Jansson, P Sckokai
Journal of Policy Modeling 33 (1), 29-52, 2011
A spatial econometric analysis of land use efficiency in large and small municipalities
G Guastella, S Pareglio, P Sckokai
Land Use Policy 63, 288-297, 2017
Efficiency of decoupled farm programs under distortionary taxation
G Moschini, P Sckokai
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 76 (3), 362-370, 1994
The degree of decoupling of area payments for arable crops in the European Union
P Sckokai, J Antón
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 87 (5), 1220-1228, 2005
Consumer Willingness to Pay for Catechin‐enriched Yogurt: Evidence from a Stated Choice Experiment
D Moro, M Veneziani, P Sckokai, E Castellari
Agribusiness 31 (2), 243-258, 2015
Recent developments in modelling the CAP: hype or hope?
G Anania, F Arfini, P Conforti, P De Muro, P Londero, L Salvatici, ...
Agricultural Sector Modelling and Policy Information System. Proceedings of …, 2001
A worldwide analysis of trend in crop yields and yield variability: Evidence from FAO data
L Arata, E Fabrizi, P Sckokai
Economic Modelling 90, 190-208, 2020
The capitalisation of CAP payments into land rental prices: a panel sample selection approach
G Guastella, D Moro, P Sckokai, M Veneziani
Journal of Agricultural Economics 69 (3), 688-704, 2018
Agricultural policy modelling under imperfect competition
C Soregaroli, P Sckokai, D Moro
Journal of Policy Modeling 33 (2), 195-212, 2011
Estimating market power by retailers in a dynamic framework: the Italian PDO cheese market
P Sckokai, C Soregaroli, D Moro
Journal of Agricultural Economics 64 (1), 33-53, 2013
Regional distribution of short-run, medium-run and long-run quota rents across EU-15 milk producers
D Moro, M Nardella, P Sckokai
Consumer willingness to pay for food safety: The case of mycotoxins in milk
P Sckokai, M Veneziani, D Moro, E Castellari
Bio-based and Applied Economics 3 (1), 63-81, 2014
Economic modelling of agricultural production: past advances and new challenges
A Carpentier, A Gohin, P Sckokai, A Thomas
Revue d'Etudes en Agriculture et Environnement-Review of agricultural and …, 2015
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Articles 1–20