Ralf Dahm
Ralf Dahm
Institute of Molecular Biology gGmbH (IMB), Mainz, Germany
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Cited by
C Nusslein-Volhard, R Dahm
Oxford University Press, 2002
Friedrich Miescher and the discovery of DNA
R Dahm
Developmental Biology 278 (2), 274-288, 2005
Discovering DNA: Friedrich Miescher and the early years of nucleic acid research
R Dahm
Human genetics 122 (6), 565-581, 2008
A zebrafish homologue of the chemokine receptor Cxcr4 is a germ-cell guidance receptor
NVC Knaut H, Werz C, Geisler R, TS Consortium
Nature 421 (6920), 279-282, 2003
Deficiency of glutaredoxin 5 reveals Fe−S clusters are required for vertebrate haem synthesis
TSCZLI Wingert RA, Galloway JL, Barut B, Foott H, Fraenkel P, Axe JL, Weber ...
Nature 436, 1035-1039, 2005
Mutations in cadherin 23 affect tip links in zebrafish sensory hair cells
NT Sollner C, Rauch GJ, Siemens J, Geisler R, Schuster SC, Muller U, ...
Nature 428 (6986), 955-959, 2004
Learning from small fry: the zebrafish as a genetic model organism for aquaculture fish species
R Dahm, R Geisler
Marine Biotechnology 8 (4), 329-345, 2006
The GTP-binding protein Septin 7 is critical for dendrite branching and dendritic-spine morphology
Y Xie, JP Vessey, A Konecna, R Dahm, P Macchi, MA Kiebler
Current biology 17 (20), 1746-1751, 2007
Transfection techniques for neuronal cells
D Karra, R Dahm
Journal of Neuroscience 30 (18), 6171-6177, 2010
Analysis of a zebrafish VEGF receptor mutant reveals specific disruption of angiogenesis
SMS Habeck H, Odenthal J, Walderich B, Maischein H, TS Consortium
Current Biology 12 (16), 1405-1412, 2002
Dendritic localization of the translational repressor Pumilio 2 and its contribution to dendritic stress granules
JP Vessey, A Vaccani, Y Xie, R Dahm, D Karra, MA Kiebler, P Macchi
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (24), 6496-6508, 2006
Functions of the intermediate filament cytoskeleton in the eye lens
S Song, A Landsbury, R Dahm, Y Liu, Q Zhang, RA Quinlan
The Journal of clinical investigation 119 (7), 1837-1848, 2009
Subfunctionalization of Duplicated Zebrafish pax6 Genes by cis-Regulatory Divergence
DA Kleinjan, RM Bancewicz, P Gautier, R Dahm, HB Schonthaler, ...
PLoS genetics 4 (2), e29, 2008
High-efficiency transfection of mammalian neurons via nucleofection
M Zeitelhofer, JP Vessey, Y Xie, F Tübing, S Thomas, M Kiebler, R Dahm
Nature protocols 2 (7), 1692-1704, 2007
Integrinalpha5 and delta/notch signaling have complementary spatiotemporal requirements during zebrafish somitogenesis
HSA Julich D, Geisler R, TS Consortium
Developmental Cell 8 (4), 575-586, 2005
beamter/deltaC and the role of Notch ligands in the zebrafish somite segmentation, hindbrain neurogenesis and hypochord differentiation
JYJHSA Jülich D, Lim CH, Round J, Nicolaije C, Schroeder J, Davies A ...
Developmental Biology 286 (2), 391-404, 2005
Dynamic interaction between P-bodies and transport ribonucleoprotein particles in dendrites of mature hippocampal neurons
M Zeitelhofer, D Karra, P Macchi, M Tolino, S Thomas, M Schwarz, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (30), 7555-7562, 2008
The multidomain protein Brpf1 binds histones and is required for Hox gene expression and segmental identity
RHH Laue K, Daujat S, Crump JG, Plaster N, ...
Development 135 (11), 1935-1946, 2008
Development and adult morphology of the eye lens in the zebrafish
R Dahm, HB Schonthaler, AS Soehn, J Van Marle, GFJM Vrensen
Experimental eye research 85 (1), 74-89, 2007
Lens fibre cell differentiation–a link with apoptosis?
R Dahm
Ophthalmic research 31 (3), 163-183, 1999
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