David S. Mebane
David S. Mebane
Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, West Virginia University
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Oxygen Reduction on LaMnO3-Based Cathode Materials in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
YM Choi, DS Mebane, MC Lin, M Liu
Chemistry of Materials 19 (7), 1690-1699, 2007
A generalised space-charge theory for extended defects in oxygen-ion conducting electrolytes: from dilute to concentrated solid solutions
DS Mebane, RA De Souza
Energy & Environmental Science 8 (10), 2935-2940, 2015
The Mechanism of CO2 Adsorption under Dry and Humid Conditions in Mesoporous Silica-Supported Amine Sorbents
K Li, JD Kress, DS Mebane
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (41), 23683-23691, 2016
Carbon capture simulation initiative: a case study in multiscale modeling and new challenges
DC Miller, M Syamlal, DS Mebane, C Storlie, D Bhattacharyya, ...
Annual review of chemical and biomolecular engineering 5 (1), 301-323, 2014
Transport, Zwitterions, and the Role of Water for CO2 Adsorption in Mesoporous Silica-Supported Amine Sorbents
DS Mebane, JD Kress, CB Storlie, DJ Fauth, MML Gray, K Li
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (50), 26617-26627, 2013
Characteristic thickness for a dense La0. 8Sr0. 2MnO3 electrode
E Koep, DS Mebane, R Das, C Compson, M Liu
Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 8 (11), A592, 2005
Analyzing the grain‐boundary resistance of oxide‐ion conducting electrolytes: Poisson‐Cahn vs Poisson‐Boltzmann theories
X Tong, DS Mebane, RA De Souza
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 103 (1), 5-22, 2020
Classical, phenomenological analysis of the kinetics of reactions at the gas-exposed surface of mixed ionic electronic conductors
DS Mebane, M Liu
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 10, 575-580, 2006
A variational approach to surface cation segregation in mixed conducting perovskites
DS Mebane
Computational Materials Science 103, 231-236, 2015
A two-dimensional model and numerical treatment for mixed conducting thin films: the effect of sheet resistance
DS Mebane, Y Liu, M Liu
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 154 (5), A421, 2007
A space‐charge treatment of the increased concentration of reactive species at the surface of a ceria solid solution
AF Zurhelle, X Tong, A Klein, DS Mebane, RA De Souza
Angewandte Chemie 129 (46), 14708-14712, 2017
Upscaling uncertainty with dynamic discrepancy for a multi-scale carbon capture system
KS Bhat, DS Mebane, P Mahapatra, CB Storlie
Journal of the American Statistical Association 112 (520), 1453-1467, 2017
Bayesian calibration of thermodynamic models for the uptake of CO 2 in supported amine sorbents using ab initio priors
DS Mebane, KS Bhat, JD Kress, DJ Fauth, MML Gray, A Lee, DC Miller
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15 (12), 4355-4366, 2013
Refinement of the bulk defect model for LaxSr1− xMnO3±δ
DS Mebane, Y Liu, M Liu
Solid State Ionics 178 (39-40), 1950-1957, 2008
Continuum and quantum-chemical modeling of oxygen reduction on the cathode in a solid oxide fuel cell
YM Choi, DS Mebane, JH Wang, M Liu
Topics in Catalysis 46, 386-401, 2007
Triple-phase boundary and surface transport in mixed conducting patterned electrodes
ME Lynch, DS Mebane, Y Liu, M Liu
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 155 (6), B635, 2008
Simulation of surface-potential driven ORR kinetics on SOFC cathode with parallel reaction pathways
M Gong, RS Gemmen, DS Mebane, K Gerdes, X Liu
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 161 (3), F344, 2014
A model for the adsorption kinetics of CO2 on amine-impregnated mesoporous sorbents in the presence of water
A Lee, D Mebane, DJ Fauth, DC Miller
Pittsburgh Coal Conference, 2011
A Bayesian approach to electrical conductivity relaxation and isotope exchange/secondary ion mass spectrometry
J Blair, DS Mebane
Solid State Ionics 270, 47-53, 2015
Interpreting impedance response of silicon carbide whisker/alumina composites through microstructural simulation
DS Mebane, RA Gerhardt
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 89 (2), 538-543, 2006
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Articles 1–20