Barry Norton
Barry Norton
VP Research, Milestone Systems
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Cited by
IRS-III: A broker for semantic web services based applications
L Cabral, J Domingue, S Galizia, A Gugliotta, V Tanasescu, C Pedrinaci, ...
The Semantic Web-ISWC 2006: 5th International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC …, 2006
An outlook on semantic business process mining and monitoring
AKA De Medeiros, C Pedrinaci, WMP Van der Aalst, J Domingue, M Song, ...
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2007: OTM 2007 Workshops: OTM …, 2007
IRS-III: A broker-based approach to semantic Web services
J Domingue, L Cabral, S Galizia, V Tanasescu, A Gugliotta, B Norton, ...
Journal of Web Semantics 6 (2), 109-132, 2008
Towards linked open services and processes
R Krummenacher, B Norton, A Marte
Future Internet-FIS 2010: Third Future Internet Symposium, Berlin, Germany …, 2010
The business process modelling ontology
L Cabral, B Norton, J Domingue
Proceedings of the 4th international workshop on semantic business process …, 2009
A refined goal model for semantic web services
M Stollberg, B Norton
Second International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and …, 2007
A compositional operational semantics for OWL-S
B Norton, S Foster, A Hughes
European Workshop on Performance Engineering, 303-317, 2005
Armadillo: Integrating knowledge for the semantic web
S Chapman, B Norton, F Ciravegna
Proceedings of the Dagstuhl Seminar in Machine Learning for the Semantic Web, 90, 2005
Soa4all: enabling web-scale service economies
R Krummenacher, B Norton, E Simperl, C Pedrinaci
2009 IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing, 535-542, 2009
Ontology-based translation of business process models
B Norton, L Cabral, J Nitzsche
2009 Fourth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and …, 2009
Consuming Dynamic Linked Data.
B Norton, R Krummenacher
COLD, 2010
Scalable discovery of linked services
B Norton, S Stadtmüller
4th International Workshop on Resource Discovery, 6-21, 2011
A compositional semantic theory for synchronous component-based design
B Norton, G Lüttgen, M Mendler
International Conference on Concurrency Theory, 461-476, 2003
Fostering a Relationship between Linked Data and the Internet of Services.
J Domingue, C Pedrinaci, M Maleshkova, B Norton, R Krummenacher
Future Internet Assembly 6656, 351-366, 2011
Combining human and computation intelligence: the case of data interlinking tools
E Simperl, S Wölger, S Thaler, B Norton, T Bϋrger
International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies 7 (2), 77-92, 2012
Crowdsourcing tasks in linked data management
E Simperl, B Norton, D Vrandecic
Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on consuming Linked Data COLD2011 co-located …, 2011
Mapping keywords to linked data resources for automatic query expansion
I Augenstein, AL Gentile, B Norton, Z Zhang, F Ciravegna
The Semantic Web: ESWC 2013 Satellite Events: ESWC 2013 Satellite Events …, 2013
Dynamic Linked Data via Linked Open Services.
B Norton, R Krummenacher, A Marte, D Fensel
LDSI@ FIA, 2010
Semantic execution environments for semantics-enabled SOA
B Norton, C Pedrinaci, J Domingue, M Zaremba
IT-MUNCHEN- 50 (2), 118, 2008
Neo-Geo Vocabulary: Defining a shared RDF representation for GeoData
JM Salas, A Harth, B Norton, LM Vilches, AD León, J Goodwin, C Stadler, ...
Public draft, NeoGeo, May, 2011
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Articles 1–20