Zinon Kokkalis
Zinon Kokkalis
Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Patras
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Selective contralateral c7 transfer in posttraumatic brachial plexus injuries: a report of 56 cases
JK Terzis, ZT Kokkalis
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 123 (3), 927-938, 2009
Anatomy and clinical implications of the ultrasound-guided subsartorial saphenous nerve block
T Saranteas, G Anagnostis, T Paraskeuopoulos, D Koulalis, Z Kokkalis, ...
Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine 36 (4), 399-402-399-402, 2011
Selecting a free flap for soft tissue coverage in lower extremity reconstruction
SD Kozusko, X Liu, CA Riccio, J Chang, LC Boyd, Z Kokkalis, P Konofaos
Injury 50, S32-S39, 2019
Posterior shoulder fracture–dislocation: an update with treatment algorithm
ZT Kokkalis, ID Iliopoulos, G Antoniou, T Antoniadou, AF Mavrogenis, ...
European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 27, 285-294, 2017
Vein wrapping at cubital tunnel for ulnar nerve problems
ZT Kokkalis, S Jain, DG Sotereanos
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 19 (2), 91-97, 2010
Vascularized bone grafts for the management of skeletal defects in orthopaedic trauma and reconstructive surgery
PN Soucacos, ZT Kokkalis, M Piagkou, EO Johnson
Injury 44, S70-S75, 2013
What's new in the management of complex tibial plateau fractures?
ZT Kokkalis, ID Iliopoulos, C Pantazis, E Panagiotopoulos
Injury 47 (6), 1162-1169, 2016
Vascular injury in orthopedic trauma
AF Mavrogenis, GN Panagopoulos, ZT Kokkalis, P Koulouvaris, ...
Orthopedics 39 (4), 249-259, 2016
AF Mavrogenis, G Mimidis, ZT Kokkalis, ES Karampi, I Karampela, ...
European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24, 279-283, 2014
Trapezium resection with suspension and interposition arthroplasty using acellular dermal allograft for thumb carpometacarpal arthritis
ZT Kokkalis, G Zanaros, RW Weiser, DG Sotereanos
The Journal of hand surgery 34 (6), 1029-1036, 2009
Osteolytic lesions (brown tumors) of primary hyperparathyroidism misdiagnosed as multifocal giant cell tumor of the distal ulna and radius: a case report
A Panagopoulos, I Tatani, HP Kourea, ZT Kokkalis, K Panagopoulos, ...
Journal of Medical Case Reports 12, 1-7, 2018
Tumors of the hand
AF Mavrogenis, GN Panagopoulos, A Angelini, J Lesenský, C Vottis, ...
European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 27, 747-762, 2017
Assessment of processed porcine extracellular matrix as a protective barrier in a rabbit nerve wrap model
ZT Kokkalis, C Pu, GA Small, RW Weiser, AI Venouziou, DG Sotereanos
Journal of reconstructive microsurgery 27 (01), 019-028, 2011
Pediatric brachial plexus reconstruction
JK Terzis, ZT Kokkalis
Plastic and reconstructive surgery 124 (6S), e370-e385, 2009
Human dermal allograft interposition for the reconstruction of massive irreparable rotator cuff tears
AI Venouziou, ZT Kokkalis, DG Sotereanos
Am J Orthop 42 (2), 63-70, 2013
Elbow arthritis: current concepts
ZT Kokkalis, CC Schmidt, DG Sotereanos
The Journal of hand surgery 34 (4), 761-768, 2009
Modified McLaughlin technique for neglected locked posterior dislocation of the shoulder
ZT Kokkalis, AF Mavrogenis, EG Ballas, J Papanastasiou, ...
Orthopedics 36 (7), e912-e916, 2013
Elbow flexion after primary reconstruction in obstetric brachial plexus palsy
JK Terzis, ZT Kokkalis
Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume) 34 (4), 449-458, 2009
Outcomes of secondary shoulder reconstruction in obstetrical brachial plexus palsy
JK Terzis, ZT Kokkalis
Plastic and reconstructive surgery 122 (6), 1812-1822, 2008
Outcomes of secondary reconstruction of ulnar nerve lesions: our experience
JK Terzis, ZT Kokkalis
Plastic and reconstructive surgery 122 (4), 1100-1110, 2008
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Articles 1–20