Sureyya Meric
Cited by
Cited by
Occurrence patterns of pharmaceuticals in water and wastewater environments
A Nikolaou, S Meric, D Fatta
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 387, 1225-1234, 2007
Pharmaceutical residues in environmental waters and wastewater: current state of knowledge and future research
D Fatta-Kassinos, S Meric, A Nikolaou
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 399, 251-275, 2011
Chemical and biological treatment technologies for leather tannery chemicals and wastewaters: a review
G Lofrano, S Meriç, GE Zengin, D Orhon
Science of the Total Environment 461, 265-281, 2013
Color and COD removal from wastewater containing Reactive Black 5 using Fenton’s oxidation process
S Meriç, D Kaptan, T Ölmez
Chemosphere 54 (3), 435-441, 2004
Analytical methods for tracing pharmaceutical residues in water and wastewater
D Fatta, A Achilleos, A Nikolaou, S Meric
TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 26 (6), 515-533, 2007
Overview of in-situ applicable nitrate removal processes
C Della Rocca, V Belgiorno, S Meriç
Desalination 204 (1-3), 46-62, 2007
Polymer functionalized nanocomposites for metals removal from water and wastewater: an overview
G Lofrano, M Carotenuto, G Libralato, RF Domingos, A Markus, L Dini, ...
Water research 92, 22-37, 2016
Degradation of diclofenac by TiO2 photocatalysis: UV absorbance kinetics and process evaluation through a set of toxicity bioassays
L Rizzo, S Meric, D Kassinos, M Guida, F Russo, V Belgiorno
Water research 43 (4), 979-988, 2009
Review on endocrine disrupting-emerging compounds in urban wastewater: occurrence and removal by photocatalysis and ultrasonic irradiation for wastewater reuse
V Belgiorno, L Rizzo, D Fatta, C Della Rocca, G Lofrano, A Nikolaou, ...
Desalination 215 (1-3), 166-176, 2007
Antibiotic resistance genes in treated wastewater and in the receiving water bodies: A pan-European survey of urban settings
D Cacace, D Fatta-Kassinos, CM Manaia, E Cytryn, N Kreuzinger, L Rizzo, ...
Water research 162, 320-330, 2019
Heterogenous photocatalytic degradation kinetics and detoxification of an urban wastewater treatment plant effluent contaminated with pharmaceuticals
L Rizzo, S Meric, M Guida, D Kassinos, V Belgiorno
Water research 43 (16), 4070-4078, 2009
Acute toxicity removal in textile finishing wastewater by Fenton's oxidation, ozone and coagulation–flocculation processes
S Meriç, H Selçuk, V Belgiorno
Water Research 39 (6), 1147-1153, 2005
Ultrasonic degradation, mineralization and detoxification of diclofenac in water: optimization of operating parameters
V Naddeo, V Belgiorno, D Kassinos, D Mantzavinos, S Meric
Ultrasonics sonochemistry 17 (1), 179-185, 2010
Fate of pharmaceuticals in contaminated urban wastewater effluent under ultrasonic irradiation
V Naddeo, S Meric, D Kassinos, V Belgiorno, M Guida
Water research 43 (16), 4019-4027, 2009
Optimization of alum-coagulation/flocculation for COD and TSS removal from five municipal wastewater
M Guida, M Mattei, C Della Rocca, G Melluso, S Meriç
Desalination 211 (1-3), 113-127, 2007
An heterotrophic/autotrophic denitrification (HAD) approach for nitrate removal from drinking water
C Della Rocca, V Belgiorno, S Meriç
Process Biochemistry 41 (5), 1022-1028, 2006
Determination of PAHs in marine sediments: analytical methods and environmental concerns
A Nikolaou, M Kostopoulou, G Lofrano, S Meric
Global nest. The international journal 11 (4), 391-405, 2009
Cotton-supported heterotrophic denitrification of nitrate-rich drinking water with a sand filtration post-treatment
C Della Rocca, V Belgiorno, S Meriç
Water Sa 31 (2), 229-236, 2005
Monitoring and modeling of trihalomethanes (THMs) for a water treatment plant in Istanbul
V Uyak, I Toroz, S Meric
Desalination 176 (1-3), 91-101, 2005
Investigation of the relation between COD fractions and the toxicity in a textile finishing industry wastewater: Effect of preozonation
G Eremektar, H Selcuk, S Meric
Desalination 211 (1-3), 314-320, 2007
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Articles 1–20