Rodrigo N. Calheiros
Rodrigo N. Calheiros
Associate Professor, Western Sydney University
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Cited by
CloudSim: a toolkit for modeling and simulation of cloud computing environments and evaluation of resource provisioning algorithms
RN Calheiros, R Ranjan, A Beloglazov, CAF De Rose, R Buyya
Software: Practice and experience 41 (1), 23-50, 2011
Modeling and simulation of scalable Cloud computing environments and the CloudSim toolkit: Challenges and opportunities
R Buyya, R Ranjan, RN Calheiros
High Performance Computing & Simulation, 2009. HPCS'09. International …, 2009
Intercloud: Utility-oriented federation of cloud computing environments for scaling of application services
R Buyya, R Ranjan, R Calheiros
Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, 13-31, 2010
Big Data computing and clouds: Trends and future directions
MD Assunção, RN Calheiros, S Bianchi, MAS Netto, R Buyya
Journal of parallel and distributed computing 79, 3-15, 2015
Cloudanalyst: A cloudsim-based visual modeller for analysing cloud computing environments and applications
B Wickremasinghe, RN Calheiros, R Buyya
2010 24th IEEE international conference on advanced information networking …, 2010
Fog computing: Principles, architectures, and applications
AV Dastjerdi, H Gupta, RN Calheiros, SK Ghosh, R Buyya
Internet of things, 61-75, 2016
Cloudsim: A novel framework for modeling and simulation of cloud computing infrastructures and services
RN Calheiros, R Ranjan, CAF De Rose, R Buyya
arXiv preprint arXiv:0903.2525, 2009
Workload prediction using ARIMA model and its impact on cloud applications’ QoS
RN Calheiros, E Masoumi, R Ranjan, R Buyya
IEEE transactions on cloud computing 3 (4), 449-458, 2014
Interconnected cloud computing environments: Challenges, taxonomy, and survey
AN Toosi, RN Calheiros, R Buyya
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 47 (1), 1-47, 2014
A manifesto for future generation cloud computing: Research directions for the next decade
R Buyya, SN Srirama, G Casale, R Calheiros, Y Simmhan, B Varghese, ...
ACM computing surveys (CSUR) 51 (5), 1-38, 2018
Server consolidation with migration control for virtualized data centers
TC Ferreto, MAS Netto, RN Calheiros, CAF De Rose
Future Generation Computer Systems 27 (8), 1027-1034, 2011
SLA-oriented resource provisioning for cloud computing: Challenges, architecture, and solutions
R Buyya, SK Garg, RN Calheiros
2011 international conference on cloud and service computing, 1-10, 2011
Virtual machine provisioning based on analytical performance and QoS in cloud computing environments
RN Calheiros, R Ranjan, R Buyya
2011 International Conference on Parallel Processing, 295-304, 2011
Auto-scaling web applications in clouds: A taxonomy and survey
C Qu, RN Calheiros, R Buyya
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 51 (4), 1-33, 2018
Meeting deadlines of scientific workflows in public clouds with tasks replication
RN Calheiros, R Buyya
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 25 (7), 1787-1796, 2013
Towards autonomic detection of SLA violations in Cloud infrastructures
VC Emeakaroha, MAS Netto, RN Calheiros, I Brandic, R Buyya, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 28 (7), 1017-1029, 2012
Virtual machine consolidation in cloud data centers using ACO metaheuristic
MH Ferdaus, M Murshed, RN Calheiros, R Buyya
Euro-Par 2014 Parallel Processing: 20th International Conference, Porto …, 2014
Resource provisioning policies to increase iaas provider's profit in a federated cloud environment
AN Toosi, RN Calheiros, RK Thulasiram, R Buyya
2011 IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and …, 2011
The Aneka platform and QoS-driven resource provisioning for elastic applications on hybrid Clouds
RN Calheiros, C Vecchiola, D Karunamoorthy, R Buyya
Future Generation Computer Systems 28 (6), 861-870, 2012
HPC cloud for scientific and business applications: taxonomy, vision, and research challenges
MAS Netto, RN Calheiros, ER Rodrigues, RLF Cunha, R Buyya
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 51 (1), 1-29, 2018
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Articles 1–20